Designation: Professor, Head & Registrar i/c
Specialization: ECOLOGY
Contact: 9612950912, 7005353638
Email: thingbaijamb [AT]
MSc. , PhD
1. Th. Binoy Singh, P. S. Yadava and E.J. Singh(1989): Population density of soil arthropods in the sub-tropical forest ecosystem at Shiroy Hill, Manipur. Proc. Symp. Pest. Res. & Env.Pollu7. Pp. 272-288.
2. J.S.Elangbam, P.S.Yadava & B.S. Thingbaijam (1989): Ethnobotanical study of the Tangkhul Naga Tribe of Ukhurl, Manipur. J. Econ. Tax. Bot. 13(1): 11-16, 1989.
3. N. Ibohal Singh & Th. Binoy Singh (1991): Pealius mori (Homoptera: Aleuroridae) a new record of an insect pest of morus species in Manipur. Sericologia 31(2): 355-357, (France).
4. Th.B. Singh and P.S. Yadava (1993): Population dynamics, biomass and Secondary productivity of aboveground insects in two sub-tropical forest ecosystems at Shiroy Hills, Manipur. Tropical Ecology 34(1): 113-119.
5. E. J. Singh, P.S. Yadava and Th. B. Singh(1993): A contribution to the flora of Shiroy Hills, Ukhrul, Manipur. Bull. Bot. Surv. Vol. 35(1-4): 99-105, 1993.
6. E.J.Singh, P.S.Yadava & T.B. Singh (1996) Strategies for the conservation of Lillium macklineae, a threatened hilly from Manipur, National seminar on Conservation of endangered species and Ecosystem: Biotechnological and Ecological Approaches, B.H.U., Varanasi, 1996.
7. Th. Binoy Singh and P.S. Yadava, (1998): Bio-ecological study of oak-borer, Batocera lineolata in an Oak forest ecosystem of Manipur. Proc. Intl. Conference on Conservation of tropical species, communities and Ecosystem, Thiruvananthapuram, Dec., 28-31,
8. Th. Binoy Singh and P.S. Yadava (1998): Seasonal fluctuations of Oribatid mites in a sub-tropical forest ecosystem of Manipur, North Eastern India. Intl. Jr. Ecol. Envirn. Science, 24: 123-129.,
9. E.J. Singh, P.S. Yadava & T. B. Singh (1998): Ecological study of Siroy Hills, Manipur. Flora and Fauna 4(1): 07-08, 1998.
10. Th. Binoy Singh and P.S. Yadava (2002): Diversity of litter microarthropods in the Dipterocarpus forest Ecosystem of Manipur. Proc. National Seminar on Recent advances in Life Science, pp. 54-57, 2002.
11. Mema Devi Waikhom, Th. Binoy Singh and Ch. Chitrapati Devi (2002): Vertical and Horizontal distribution of five microarthropods taxa in a subtropical forest ecosystem at Phayeng, Manipur. Recent Advances in Life Science, PP. 48-53, 2002.
12. E. J. Singh, P. S. Yadava and T.B.Singh (2005): Ecological aspects of Lilium mackliniae (Sealy): A threatened Lily from Shiroy Hills, Manipur, Indian J. Ecol. (2005) 32(2): 235-236.
13. Ch. Chitrapati and Th. Binoy Singh(2006): The role of abiotic factors in the distributional patterns of acarina and Collembola in the sub-tropical forest ecosystem of Manipur. Indian J. Environ. & Ecoplan., 12(1): 39-45 (2006).
14. Mema Devi Waikhom, Th. Binoy Singh and L. Joymati Devi (2006): Vertical distribution pattern of Collembola in a sub tropical forest floor of Manipur. Zoos’ Print Journal, 21(7): 2331-2332.
15. Kh. Latasana Devi and Th. Binoy Singh (2006): Population fluctuation of soil mites in relation to some important abiotic factors in the pie forest Ecosystem, Manipur NE, India, J. Curr. Sci., 9(2):06.
16. Ch. Chitrapati Devi and Th. Binoy Singh (2007): A population study and community structure of oribatid mites in the sub-tropical forest ecosystem at Koirengei, Manipur, Indian Jr. of Ecology, 34(2), 173-175, 2007
17. Ch. Chitrapati Devi and Th. Binoy Singh (2008): A comparative study of seasonal population fluctuation of collembolan in a protected and degraded sub tropical forest ecosystems at Khongampat, Manipur, North Eastern India. Jr. Nature Conserv. 20(1):133-140
18. Kh. Sunanda Devi and Th. Binoy Singh (2009): Impact of microarthropods on leaf litter decomposition at Phayeng sub-tropical forest ecosystem, Manipur. Intl. Jr. Ecol. Environ. Sci. 35(4): 365-368 ( ISSN – 0377-015X I F 0.42 )
19. L. Chandrakanti Devi and Th. Binoy Singh (2010): Habitat characteristics and insect population in the sub-tropical forest ecosystems, Manipur, Jr. Nature Conserv. 22(1):2010.
20. Haripyari , Th. Binoy Singh (2010): Utilization of Oak Tasar By-Products. Proced. on Recent trends in Oak Tasar culture, Pp 87-93, Palampur (HP), CTR & T I Research Extension Centre, Ministry of Textile, Govt. of India.
21. Sharon Lamneng Haokip and Th. Binoy Singh (2011): Diversity and Distribution of Earthworms in a natural reserved and disturbed sub-tropical forest ecosystem of Imphal West, Manipur, India”, Proced. of the “National Seminar on Emerging Trends in Biosciences and future Prospects” 11(4), S62: ISSN: (Print) 0975-6175
20. W. Mema Devi, Th. Binoy Singh and Joymati (2011): Monthly changes of Collembolan population under the gradient of moisture , organic carbon and nitrogen content in a sub-tropical forest soil, Manipur : Journal of Experimental Science, Vol 2(12): 10 -12, ISSN : 2218 – 1768.
21. Sharon Lamneng Haokip and Th. Binoy Singh (2012) : Diversity and distribution of earthworms in a natural and disturbed sub-tropical forest ecosystem of Imphal-West, Manipur, India; International Multidisciplinary Research Journal: 2(2): 28-34; ISSN: 2231-6302.
22. Sharon Lamneng Haokip and Th. Binoy Singh (2012): Population density of earthworms in relation to abiotic factors in the sub-tropical forest ecosystem of Imphal; Proced. Biodiversity status and conservation strategies with reference to NE India, CAS in Life Sciences, ISBN:978-81–923343– 18. Pp. 178 – 185.
23. W. Mema Devi, Th. Binoy Singh and Keronchandra, N (2012) : Comparative study of species diversity of litter inhabiting Acarina in a forest floor and grassland of Manipur; Intl. Jr. Manag. Studies, Stati. & Appl. Econ. 2(11): 183 – 190 ; ISSN: 2250 – 0367.
24. Sharon Lamneng Haokip and Th. Binoy Singh (2012) : Diversity and distribution of earthworms in a natural and disturbed sub-tropical forest ecosystem of Imphal-West, Manipur, India; International Multidisciplinary Research Journal: 2(2): 28-34; ISSN: 2231-6302.
25.. Sharon Lamneng Haokip and Th. Binoy Singh (2013):Association between earthworm and habitat characteristics in oak dominated mixed forest ecosystem of Phayeng, Manipur; Bioresources and Traditional Knowledge of North East India; ISBN: 987 – 81 – 9243211 – 3 – 7. pp. 217 – 222. (3)
26. Rajkumari Haripriya Devi, Th. Binoy Singh and N. Ibohal Singh ( 2013): Dyeing of oak tasar silk yarn with bark extracts of Quercus serrata, Q. Griffthii and Lithocarpus dealbata. Bull. Ind. Acad. Seri, Vol. 17(1): 71 – 78: 2013 (December, ‘13)
27. Alice Sitlhou and Thingbaijam Binoy Singh (2014): Post fire nutrient availability in the sub-tropical forest ecosystem of the Koubru Hills, Manipur, F1000 Research, 1: 1-19, January,2014: ( UK ).
28. Th. Binoy Singh (2014): Loktak Lake ? A fresh water lake of International importance in NE India. ENVIS Newsletter on Himalayan Ecology Vol. 11(3), pp. 5, 2014
29. N. Dhirendra Singh, R. R. Yadav, N. Venugopal, Vikram Singh, A. K. Yadava, K. G. Mishra, Thingbaijam B. Singh, Chongtham Sanjita (2016): Climate control on ring width and intra-annual density fluctuations in Pinus kesiya in a sub-tropical forest of Manipur, Northeast India. Trees-Structure and Function (Germany), Springer Publication, DOI 10.1007/s00468-016-1402-9 ( Impact Factor – 1.706).
30. Ch. Sanjita Devi and Th. Binoy Singh, (2016) : Soil Organic Carbon Stock in the Sacred Groves of Manipur, NE India, International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 42(S): 115-123, (2016). ISSN :2320-5199(online); 0376-015X(print). Refereed and Indexed(0.41=RG (impact factor4.2=NAAS )
31. Maisnam Sapana Devi, Thingbaijam Binoy Singh, Ashem Robinson Singh, Lisam Sanjukumar Singh, Meraj Alam Ansan, Thangjam Surchandra Singh and T. Chanu Machathoibi, (2017): Determination of Organophosphorus, Carbamate and Synthetic Pyrethroids residues in fish of Loktak lake ( a Ramsar site) by using high performance Liquid Chromatography, Indian Journal Environmental Protection, 37(7) : 557 – 567 (2017).
32. Ng. Niirou, Asha Gupta, Th. Binoy Singh (2017) : Soil organic carbon stock in natural and human impacted ecosystems of Senapati district, Manipur, International Journal of Science and Research, 6(7): 1279 – 1285 (2017) [Index Copernicus value(2015): 78.96/ Impact Factor (2015):6.391]. ISSN(online): 2319-7064
33. Chongtham Sanjita and Th. Binoy Singh(2017) : Spatial variation of soil organic carbon stock in the Sacred Groves of Manipur , North East India, Indian Forester, 144(4) : 378-380 , 2018.[ISSN No. 0019-4816(print)]
34. Chongtham Sanjita, Th. Binoy Singh & Th. Rojen Singh, (2017) : Role of totem trees in the conservation of biodiversity in sacred groves of Manipur: North East India, NeBIO, (An International Journal of environment and biodiversity), 8(3) : 2017, pp. 182-186, ISSN 2278-2281(online).
35. Sharon Lamneng Haokip, Th. Binoy Singh,(2017):Comparative studies on the earthworms community structure in the natural mixed and oak plantation sub-tropical forest ecosystem of Imphal, Manipur, India, International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences,43(4):pp.319-329(2017),ISSN:2320-5199(online);0376-015X (print).
36. Hemanta Meetei Khwairakpam, Chongtham Sanjita and Th. Binoy Singh,(2018) : Some of the ethnomedicinal plants of Manipur use in the ayurvedic and homoeopathic treatment, Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 7(5): 28 – 31 (2018) Impact Factor: GIF: 0.255, NAAS Rating: 5.21, ISSN: 2349 - 8234 ) ISSN (print):2278-4136.
37. Mema Devi Waikhom , Th. Binoy Singh, (2018) : Abundance & relationship of Acarina and Collembolas with the Organic Carbon , Cu, Fe, Zn and Mn of phumdi soil of Keibul Lamjao National Park (KLNP), Manipur , International Journal of Scientific Research and Education, 6(5): 7945 – 7949, (2018) [ Index Copernicus Value – 76.10 ; DOI: ISSN(e) No. 2321-7645 ]
38. Chongtham Sanjita, Th. Binoy Singh, (2018) : Nitrogen and Phosphorous chemistry in foliar tissue of Schima wallichii in the subtropical ecosystem of North East India, Indian Journal of Applied Research, An International Journal, 8(8): 44-45, (2018), [ Impact Factor: 5.397 , Index Copernicus IC Value: 86.18, UGC Serial No. 49333, Journal DOI : 10.15373/2249555X] ISSN No. 2249-555X
39. Chongtham Sanjita & Th. Binoy Singh, (2018) : Community forest structure and woody species diversity of Sacred Groves of Manipur, North East India, International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, 5(3): 1955-1962 (2018), [ Cosmos Impact Factor: 4.236, ISSNe: 2348-1269, print ISSN: 2349-5138 ]
40. Chongtham Sanjita , Th. Binoy Singh and Th. Rojen Singh, (2018) : Implication of woody species diversity on the aboveground biomass in subtropical sacred groves of Manipur, North East India, Eco. Env. & Cons. , 24 (4 ):2018; pp.(1738-1753), ISSN 0971-765X.
41. Chongtham Sanjita, Th. Binoy Singh, (2018) : Role of soil temperature and moisture in the Nitrogen and Phosphorous availability in the subtropical sacred groves soil ecosystem , International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR), 5(4):2018,pp 24-36; UGC Journal No. 43602, IJRAR Impact Factor : 5.75, ISSN(e)- 2348-5138, ISSN(p)-2349-5138.
42. Chongtham Sanjita, Th. Binoy Singh, ( 2018 ) : Influence of climatic factor on the Carbon and Nitrogen content in the leaf litter biomass of subtropical forest ecosystem, North East India, International Journal of Science and Research (IJSR), 7(7): 2018, pp.597-600, [ Index Copernicus Value (2016): 79.57 /Impact factor(2017):7.296, ISSN (online): 2319-7064, DOI:10.21275/ART20183918
43. Alice Sitlhou & Thingbaijam Binoy Singh, (2019) : Wildfire effect on soil microarthropod abundance in the subtropical forest ecosystem of Koubru Hills, Manipur ( North-East India), International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 9(1): 446-463 , (2019), [DOI: 10.29322/IJSRP.9.01.2019.p8558] ISSN :2250-3153
44. Chongtham Sanjita and Th. Binoy Singh, (2019) : Abiotic factors as drivers of net primary productivity of woody species in the sub-tropical forest patches of Manipur, North East India, International Journal of Ecology and Development, Vol. 34 (4) : 2019, ISSN: 0972-9984(print), 0973-7308(online).
45. Mayanglambam Alina Devi, Dinabandhu Sahoo, Thingbaijam Binoy Singh, Yallappa Rajashekar (2019): Toxicity, repellency and chemical composition of essential oils from Cymbopogon species against red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum Herbst (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae). Journal of Consumer Protection and Food Safety (SPRINGER PUBLICATION, GERMANY), Birkhauser Verlag ag, Viadukstrasse 40-44, P.O. Box 133, Basel, Switzerland, ch-4010 ( IF - 0.702).
46. Rojen Thounaojam, Thingbaijam Binoy Singh (2020) : New record of earthworm of the genus Metaphire from Manipur, part of the Indo-Burma biodiversity hotspot, North-East India. Journal of Bombay Natural History Society,2020 (accepted, in Press)UGC Care list A group.
47. Rojen Thounaojam, Thingbaijam Binoy Singh (2020): Biodiversity of ecologically important earthworms in sub-tropical forest ecosystems of Imphal East and Imphal West districts of Manipur. Journal of Environmental Biology. (accepted, in press) UGC Care list A group
BOOKS ( Contributed Chapter):
1) Ch. Chitrapati & Th. Binoy Singh, 2007:, “The role of abiotic factors in the distributional patterns of Acarina and Collembola in the sub-tropical forest ecosystem of Manipur” , In: “DISASTER: ECOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENT (Chapter-25): Daya Publishing House, New Delhi-110 035, ISBN: 81-7035-487-0, pp.
2) L. Bijen Meitei and Th. Binoy Singh, 2009: “Diversity , Abundance and Biomass of Planktons in Loktak Lake”, In: WETLANDS OF NORTH EAST, INDIA : AKansha Publishing House, New Delhi, 206 – 222 pp.
3) Sharon Lamneng Haokip, Th. Binoy Singh (2013) “Association between Earthworms and Habitat Characteristics in Oak- Dominated Mixed Forest Ecosystem of Phayeng, Manipur”, In: “Bioresources and Traditional knowledge of Northeast India,” ISBN : 987-81-924321-3-7 Edited by : K.K. Singh, K. C. Das, H.Lalruatsanga, MIPOGRASS D/63, RK Section, Republic Road, Aizawl- 796001, India pp. 217-222.
4) Ch. Chitrapati Devi and Th. Binoy Singh , (2017) : Vertical distribution pattern of soil oribatid mites in two sub-tropical forest ecosystems at Khonghampat, Manipur, In: Microbial Resources of Indo Myanmar (Burma) Hot-Spot Region – Conservation & Sustainable Development with special reference to North East India, pp. 195-200, 2017. Edited by : Prof. Irabanta Singh, (Bishen Singh Mahendra Pal Singh, ISBN : 978-81-211-09747-5, pp. 195-200.
5) Chongtham Sanjita, Th. Binoy Singh, Th. Rojen Singh, (2018) : Potential of some wild medicinal plants used by the ethnic people of Manipur as ornamental plants, In: Wild Ornamental Plants of India, ISBN : 9789388173810 (2018), Edited by : J S Khuraijam. Imprint: Daya Publishing House, Astral International (P) Ltd. New Delhi, PART A:
Country |
Conferences attended |
1. South Korea, Seoul |
XXII IUFRO World Congress, held in 23 -28th August, 2010, SEOUL, South Korea
International Union of Forest Research Organization (IUFRO) |
2. United Kingdom, London |
INTERNATIONAL ECOLOGICAL CONGRESS held at UK, London during (INTECOL), 18 – 23rd, August 2013, UK, LONDON |
British Ecological Society (BES), London |
Seminar and Conference attended:
(1) National Symposium on Issues and Challenges for Conservation of Plants and Ecosystems in India
and presented research paper entitled “Micro-arthropod abundance and leaf litter decomposition in a sub-tropical forest ecosystem of Manipur along an elevation gradient” organized by NEHU, Shillong held on 2 – 3rd, November, 2006
(2) 96th Indian Science Congress held at NEHU, Shillong, January 3- 7, 2009 organized by the Indian Science Congress Association, Kolkata and presented research paper entitled “Plankton population in relation to Abiotic factors in a freshwater ecosystems, Khonghampat, Manipur”
(3) XXIII IUFRO( International Union of Forest Research Organization) World Congress, 2010 , held at South Korea, SEOUL w.e.f. 23 – 29th, August, 2010 and presented research paper on the role of “Soil microarthropods on litter decomposition”
(4) National Seminar on “ Biodiversity Status & Conservation Strategies with special reference to North East India” organized by Department of Life Sciences, Manipur University under UGC, SAP, Govt. of India held on March, 17 – 18th , 2011
(5) National seminar on “Emerging Trends in Biosciences and Future Prospects” held at Mizoram University w.e.f. 29-30th , Nov, 2011 and presented paper on “Diversity and Distribution of Earthworms in a natural and disturbed sub-tropical forest ecosystem of Imphal West, Manipur,India
(6) “Science for Shaping the Future of India” held on 27 – 28th, August, 2012, at Manipur University and presented paper on “Environmental Sustainability of oak tasar silkworm Antheraea proylei, Jolly rearing under the agro-climatic condition of Manipur”
(7) 3rd National Symposium on Earthworm Ecology & Environment ( NSEEE ) organised by Tripura University w.e.f. 9 – 11th November, 2012 and presented research paper on Earthworms diversity of Manipur.
(8) “International Consultative Meeting on Seribiotechnology” workshop w.e.f. 5-7th, December, 2012, organised by IBSD, Imphal, and presented paper on “ Dyeing of Oak Tasar silk yarn with bark extract of Quercus serrata, Q. Griffithii and Lithocarpus dealbata”
(9) National conference on “ Bioresource inventory and emerging conservation strategies with special reference to North East India ” held at Mizoram University, w.e.f. 7 – 8th , March, 2013.
(10) National seminar on “Plant Resources of NE- Region and their Bio prospecting” held at Guwahati University on 30th March, 2013 and presented paper on “Investigation of Earthworm population in the Natural habitat of reserved and disturbed sub-tropical forest ecosystem, Manipur, India”
(11) “INTECOL, 2013” (International Ecological Congress, London) conference held at London, UK, w.e.f 18 – 23rd , August, 2013 and presented research paper on “Studies on the diversity and distribution of earthworms in relation to land use pattern in the Oak dominated sub-tropical forest ecosystem of Manipur, North East India” - 211- 0947-5, pp. XIV, 342, 2017.
(12) “ Tropical Ecology Congress, 2014” organised by School of Environmental Sciences, JNU, New Delhi w.e.f. 10th to 12th December, 2014.
(13) National Symposium on “Bioresources and Sustainable Development and 2nd national Bioresources and Sustainable Development Summit” organised by NEHU Shillong on 28 – 29th, October, 2015
(14) National Seminar on “ Biodiversity Status & Conservation Strategies with special reference to North East India” organised by Department of Life Sciences, Manipur University under UGC, SAP, Govt. of India held on March, 17 – 18th , 2011
(15) “Awareness Workshop on Guidelines for Access to Biological Resources under the Biological Diversity Act, 2012” organised by Biotech Consortium India Limited, New Delhi under the Dept. of Biotechnology, Govt. of India, CEBPOL, NATIONAL BIODIVERSITY AUTHORITY ( NBA ), held on 22nd June, 2016 at NEDFi, Guwahati, Assam.
(1) All India Co-ordinated Project on “ Sacred grove ecosystem services assessment, Manipur, NE, India” for a period of 5 years (MOEF,) under the Ministry of Environment and Forest and Climate change, New Delhi, Govt. of India. Amount Sanctioned – Rs. 31.79 Lakh (Rupees Thirty One Lakh and Seventy Nine Thousand)
P. I. = Prof. Th. Binoy Singh
Co- P. I. = Prof. P. S. Yadava
(2) “Carbon Stock and rate of Sequestration in the forest eco-system of Manipur, NE, India” under Ministry of Science and Technology, New Delhi. Sanctioned amount = Rs. 45.14 Lakh (Completed on March,2017)
P. I. = Prof. P. S. Yadava
Co-P. I. = Prof. Th. Binoy Singh
1) “Developement of intra annual density fluctuation (IADF) and tree ring based long term Intra- annual monsoon climate regimes in north east India”. File No.DST-SERB-EMR/2016/003782. Funding Agency : SERB-DST, Govt. of India, NEW DELHI. Sanctioned order No. 22/12/2011(SG)-RE dt. 28th March, 2012, Amount Sanctioned = Rs. 33,99000 /-( Rupees Thirty three lakh and ninety nine thousand only)
Co-P. I. = Prof. Th. Binoy Singh, PI = Dr. N. Dhiredra Singh Duration: 3 years
2) “Biodiversity, Nutritive value and Conservation Strategies of aquatic insects in the wetland ecosystems of Manipur” DBT-NER Project No. BT/PR25157NER/95/1317/2017 funded by DBT, Govt. of India, New Delhi (Twinning Project, NE). Amount Sanctioned = Rs. 71,00,000/- Lakh.
P.I. and Project-Co-ordinator = Prof. Th. Binoy Singh
Academic achievement:
Completed 24 years of University teaching in the Department of Life Sciences, Manipur University, Canchipur , Imphal.
Awarded 11 PhD degree under my supervision and presently 8 registered PhD research scholars are working.
Women Scientist supervised 3 and presently working 1.
Member of British Ecological Society (BES) ,(2013) London.
Member of Tropical Ecological Society.
Permanent Member of Zoological Society, Kolkata
Ecological Expert of Wetland Board , Govt. of Manipur.