Tender for the supply of Dustbin of 100L, 80L, and 60L capacity.
Tender Notice no MU/9(209)/2016-UE, Dated 8th March 2019, issued by The Deputy Registrar/Purchase Officer, Manipur University.
Sealed Tenders are invited from reputed GST registered firms for the supply of Dustbin of 100L, 80L, and 60L. Details of the items along with terms and conditions may be obtained fom the office of the Deputy Registrar(Admn.) or can be download from the following download link. The sealed tender should be submitted/posted to the office of the Deputy Registrar(ADmn.)/Purchase Officer on or before 26th March 2019.
1. Tender Notice.
2. Details for Invitation of Rate Quotation for the supply of Dustbin of 100L, 80L, and 60L capacity.