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Adult Cont. Edu. & Extn. Department


Academic Year: 2019-2020


1. Rajkumar Suresh Singh , " Leisure Time Activities of post-graduate students of Manipur", International Review of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2019, vol.9, pp.238-244, issue no.7, ISSN: 2248-9010
2. Lamalu Thaimei , " Impact of Total Literacy Campaign on the level of awareness of neo-literate tribal women on their political participation issue", IOSR journal of research and methods in Education, 2020, vol.10, issue no.1, ISSN: 2320-7388
3. Lamalu Thaimei , " Role of Volunteer Teacher during the implementatiion of Total Literacy Campaign in Imphal West Districtof Manipur", International of humanities and Social Science invention, 2020, vol.9, issue no.2, ISSN: 2319-7714


Academic Year: 2018-2019


1. Rajkumar Suresh Singh (third author) , " Introduction to Interdiscplinary Research", Friends Book Corner, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2019, ISBN: 984-70020-0657-6
2. Ch.Sonia Devi(second author) , " Education and Sustainable Development Goals", Global e-text, 2019, ISBN: 978-81-939495-3-5
3. Ch.Sonia Devi(second)Rajkumar Suresh(third) , " Present Trends and Issues in Environmental and Occupational Health", Akansha, 2019
4. Ch.Sonia Devi(second) , " Education nd Sustainable Development Goals", Global e-text, 2019


1. Chanam Sonia Devi , " Lifelong Learning Through Vocational Training in Manipur", Socio-economic and Political Dimensions of North-East India, 2018, pp.59-65, ISBN: 978-93-8156-85-4


1. Chanam Sonia Devi , " Women Empowernment in Literacy Programmes especially in the state of Manipur", Transforming Leadership Social & Environmentl Justice in Global, 2018, pp.215-220, ISBN: 978-93-860888-97-0


1. Rajkumar Suresh Singh(second author) , " Need for Professional Attitude of the teachers", Research Directions, 2019, vol.6, pp.124-128, issue no.12, ISSN: 2321-5488
2. Rajkumar Suresh Singh (second author) , " Factors that differentiate the professional attitude of teacher", Research Directions, 2019, vol.6, pp.61-65, issue no.12, ISSN: 2321-5488
3. Rajkumar Suresh Singh (second author) , " Professional Attitude of Teachers Working at Government Higher Secondary School in Imphal Area", Research Directions, 2018, vol.6, pp.174-183, issue no.6, ISSN: 2321-5488
4. Peichui Vashum , " Microcredit and Women Empowernment", Researc Review International Journal Multidiscplinary, 2019, vol.4, pp.702-705
5. Rajkumar Suresh Singh [Second Author] , " Role of All India Radio and Doordarshan Kendra, Imphal in Adult Education", Research Directions, 2018, vol.6, pp.12-19, issue no.6, ISSN: 2321-5488
6. Rajkumar Suresh Singh [second authour] , " Review of some empirical studies on attitude towards profession", Research Directions, 2018, vol.6, pp.1-18, issue no.4, ISSN: 2321-5488
7. Chanam Sonia Devi , " Attituide of Adult Learners Towards Population Education", International Journal of Humanities and Scial Sciences Invention, 2018, vol.7, issue no.10, ISSN: 2319-7722p, ISBN: 2319-7214
8. Chanam Sonia Devi , " Awareness of Population Explosion Issues on Female Adult", International Journl of Review and Research in Social Sciences, 2018, vol.6, pp.702-705
9. Chanam Sonia Devi and Sharmila Thingbaijam , " Problems of Illiteracy and Drop-out: A case study", Journal of Emeriging Technologies and Innovative Research: An International Open Access Journal, 2019, vol.6, issue no.5, ISSN: 2349-5162
10. Chanam Sonia Devi (first) , " Inculsive Education System in India: Some Perspectives", Peer Reviewed Referred International Biannual Publications, 2019, vol.5


1. Lamalu Thaimei (second author) , " Income Generating Activities of Rongmei Womenfpolk in Bishnupur District", Global e-text, 2019, pp.189-194, ISBN: 978-93-86088-97-0
2. Sharmila Thingbaijam , " Women Literacy and Meira Paibi in Manipur", Education and Sustainable Development Goals, 2019, ISBN: 978-81-939495-3-5
3. Sharmila Thingbaijam , " Development of entrepreneurship among the neo-literates through Saakshar Bharat Mission", Present Trends and Issues in Environmental and Occupational Health, 2019, ISBN: 978-8370-554-7
4. Peichui Vashum , " Women Empowerment Through Self-Help Groups for Sustainable Development- A study of Ukhrul District, Manipur", Education and Sustainable Goals, 2019, ISBN: 978-81-939495-3-5



1. Ch Beda Devi , Ch Sonia Devi , " Education and Sustainable Development Goals ", Golbal e-text, 2019, ISBN: 978-81-939495-3-5
2. Ch Beda , Ch Sonia Devi, Rajkumar Suresh Singh , S kiran Singh, " Present Trends and Issues in Environmental and Occupational Health ", Akansha , 2019, ISBN: 978-81-8370-554-7
3. Dr Sharmila Thingbaijam , " Adult Education and Female Literacy in Manipur ", Ruby Press, 2017, ISBN: 978-81-933788-7-8
4. Irom Gambhir Singh , Wiuttichai Chaiyasit, Rajkumar Suresh Singh, Protiva Rani Karmaker, " Introduction to Interdisciplinary Research ", Friends Book Corner,Bangladesh , 2019, ISBN: 984-70020-0657-6


1. Chanam Sonia Devi , " Status of Women Literacy in Manipur ", Global Publishing House , 2017, ISBN: 978-93-8156-84-7
2. Chanam Sonia Devi , Peichui Vashum , " Impact of Literacy as Perceived by the Neo-Literates:A case study of Bishnupur District ", Akansha Publishing House, 2017, pp.76-88, ISBN: 978-81-8370-508-0
3. Chanam Sonia Devi , " Lifelong Learning Through Vocational Training in Manipur ", Global Publishing House,Visakhapatnam , 2018, pp.59-65, ISBN: 978-93-860888-97-0
4. Peichui Vashum , Them things a Mungrei, " Women Empowerment through Self help groups for sustainable development goals:a study of Ukhrul district ", Global e-text, 2019, pp.302-307, ISBN: 978-93-86088-97-0
5. Dr Sharmila Thingbaijam , " Importance of Information and Communication Technology in the Adult Education Programme ", ABS Books Publisher , 2018, pp.311-316, ISBN: 978-93-860888-97-0
6. Dr Sharmila Thingbaijam , " Women Literacy and Meira Paibi in Manipur ", Global e-text, 2019, pp.125-131978-81-, ISBN: 978-81–939495-3-5
7. Dr Sharmila Thingbaijam , " Development of entrepreneurship among the new-literates through Saakshar Bharat Mission ", Akansha Publishing House , 2019, pp.87-94, ISBN: 978-81-8370-554-7


1. Dr Chanam Sonia Devi , Dr Sharmila Thingbaijam, " Problems of illiteracy and dropout-A case study ", Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research: An International Open Access Journal , 2019, vol.Volume-6, pp.420-4255.7, issue no.Issue-5, ISSN: 2349-5162
2. Dr Chanam Sonia Devi , " Awareness of Population Explosion Issues on Female Adult ", International Journal of Review and Research in Social Sciences, 2019, ISSN: 2457-2687
3. Peichui Vashum , " Microcredit and Women Empowerment ", Research Review International Journal Mutlidiscplinary, 2019, vol.04, pp.702-705, issue no.June, ISSN: 2455-3085
4. Dr Rajkumar Suresh Singh , Seram Babysonia, " Leisure time activities of post-graduate students of Manipur ", International Review of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2019, vol.9, ISSN: 2250-0715
5. Dr S Kiran Singh , Dr Chanam Sonia Devi, " Lifelong Learning through Universities, Manipur University ", Research Journal:Series B: Humanities and Social Sciences , 2019, vol.Volume 1
6. Chanam Sonia Devi , Manoj kumar, " Inclusive Education System in India:Some Perspectives ", Peer Reviewed Referred International Biannual Publications , 2018, vol.5, ISSN: 2349-5162
7. Chanam Sonia Devi , " Attitude of Adult Learners Towards Population Education ", IJHSSI, 2018, vol.7, ISSN: 2319-7722, ISBN: 2319-7214
8. Chanam Sonia Devi , " A Critical Analysis of Literacy Scenario in Manipur ", Paripex-IJR, 2017, vol.6, pp.14-15, issue no.4, ISSN: 2250-1991
9. Dr Chanam Sonia Devi , " Importance of Skill Development through Lifelong Learning ", IJRJ, 2017, pp.6-7, ISSN: 2454-9916
10. Chanam Sonia Devi , Soubam Kiran Singh, " Effect of Ageing on Literacy under Total Literacy Campaign: A case study in Three Assembly Constituencies of Bishnupur District, Manipur ", Paripex- peer Reviewed Referred Journal , 2017, ISSN: 2250-1991
11. Chanam Sonia Devi , " Status of women education in K.Sabi Chandel district,Manipur ", World Wide Journal of Multidiscplinary Research and Development, 2017, ISSN: 2454-6615
12. Peichui Vashum , " Role of Self help Groups in Empowering women of Ukhrul district,Manipur ", International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences Invention, 2018, vol.17, pp.1-4, ISSN: e-2319-7722, p-2319-7714
13. Dr Sharmila Thingbaijam , " Importance of Adult Literacy Libraries for Promoting the Literacy Programme ", Research Journal Philosophy and Social Sciences, 2017, vol.43(1), ISSN: P-0048-7325, e-2454-7026
14. Dr Sharmila Thingbaijam , " Need of Library Services for sustaining the Literacy Skill among the Neo-literates ", Transforming Libraries in Digital Perspectives , 2017, pp.193-207, ISBN: 13:978-81-920583-3-7
15. Dr Sharmila Thingbaijam , " Women Literacy and Entrepreneurship through Vocational Training Programme", Review Journal of Philosophy and Social Science, 2018, vol.43, issue no.2
16. Naorem Norjit Meitei , Dr Rajkumar Suresh Singh , " Professional Attitude of Teachers Working at Government Higher Secondary Schools in Imphal Area ", Research Directions , 2018, vol.6, pp.174-183, issue no.6, ISSN: 2321-5488
17. Naorem Norjit Meitei , Dr Rajkumar Suresh Singh , " Review of Some Empirical Studies on Attitude towards Teaching Profession", Research Directions, 2018, vol.6, pp.1-18, issue no.3, ISSN: 2321-5488
18. Rajkumari kiranmala , Dr Rajkumar Suresh Singh , " Is private schools enough for your kids?-A perspective", International Research Journal , 2018, vol.2, pp.23-32, issue no.43, ISSN: 2349-5303
19. Salam Romen Singh , Dr Kshetrimayum Anand Singh, Dr Rajkumar Suresh Singh , " Fertility Differentials among Religious Groups of Manipur:An application of Brass P/F Ratio Method ", International Mutlidisciplinary Research Journal , 2017, vol.6(8), pp.9-18, ISSN: 2250-1630


1. Dr Sharmila Thingbaijam , " Development of entrepreneurship among the new-literates through Saakshar Bharat Mission ", Akanksha Publishing House, 2019, pp.87-94, ISBN: 978-81-8370-554-7
2. Gaichangpou Ruangmei , Lamalu Thaimei, " Income Generating Activities of Rongmei Womenfolk in Bishnupur District ", Global e-text, 2019, pp.189-194, ISBN: 978-93-86088-97-0
3. Chanam Sonia Devi , " Women Empowerment in Literacy Programmes especially in the state of Manipur ", ABS Books Publisher, 2018, pp.215-220, ISBN: 978-93-860888-97-0
4. Dr Ksh Birbal Singh , Dr Ch Sonia Devi , Peichui Vashum , " Lifelong Learning is a tool for promotion of youths through vocational education ", Youth Empowerment and Nation Building , 2017, pp.157-163