1. PI: Prof. R.V. Rajan , CO-PI: Prof. M.Shyamkesho Singh, Project Title: " - Special Assistance Programme of UGC sanctioned to this department in 1990 has been upgraded to Centre of Advanced Studies in Life Sciences (Botany) for a period of five years from 1-9-2010 to 31-3-2015. - CAS – Phase-I – in the thrust areas vi", Funding Agency: UGC, New Delhi, Sanction on 2015, Duration (No. of Months): 5, STATUS: On-going
2. PI: Prof. R.R. Pandey , Project Title: " Development of effective formulation of ecto-, arbuscular mycorrhizal and dark septate endophytic fungi for growth enhancement of important woody trees and crop species in Manipur", Funding Agency: ICAR-AMAAS, New Delhi , Sanction on 2017, Duration (No. of Months): 3, STATUS: On-going
3. PI: Prof. Kananbala Sarangthem , Project Title: " Bamboo shoot as a functional food and neutraceutical : Extraction of bioactive compounds from juvenile bamboo shoots for commercial exploitation and socio-economic development of the region", Funding Agency: DBT NER-Twinning Programme, Sanction on 2700000, Duration (No. of Months): 3, STATUS: Completed
4. PI: Prof. R.R. Pandey , Project Title: " Diversity of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and dark septate endophytes in woody species and shifting cultivation crop of Manipur, North East India", Funding Agency: ICAR-AMAAS, New Delhi, Sanction on 2014, Duration (No. of Months): 3, STATUS: Completed
5. PI: Prof. G.A. Shantibala Devi , Project Title: " Regulation of sub1 and SNORKEL pathways through transgenic approach to prevent lodging due to internodes elongation during floods and retaining submergence tolerance in deep water rice cultivars of North East Region.", Funding Agency: DBT – Twinning Project, Sanction on 2018, Duration (No. of Months): 3, STATUS: On-going
6. PI: Prof. G.A. Shantibala Devi , Project Title: " Role of Sub 1 locus in the improvement of submergence tolerance in the deep water rice cultivars of North East Region.", Funding Agency: DBT Twinning prgramme, Sanction on 2015, Duration (No. of Months): 3, STATUS: Completed