*** National Anti-Ragging Helpline 24x7 Toll Free 1800-180-5522 email: helpline@antiragging.in website: www.antiragging.in  ***  *** Manipur University Admission for Academic Session 2024-25 ***           |           *** MANIPUR UNIVERSITY ALUMNI[LINK] ***           |           *** ALUMNI REGISTRATION FROM [LINK].  (New) ***           |           *** Dr. Naorem Santa Singh, Project Scientist, Dept. of Life Science(Zoology), MU, has been awarded the ZSK-INDIA RESEARCH EXCELLENCE AWARD FOR OUTSTANDING CONTRIBUTION by ZSK, India on 16/10/2023  (New) ***           |           *** To Activate MHRD Wi-Fi service, Generate consent Form and Submit at Computer Centre. Click here to generate.  (New) ***           |           *** ADMISSION MUET 23-24   ***           |           *** ADMISSION CUET(UG/PG) 2023-24  (New) ***           |           *** PRE-PHD ADMISSION 2023 ***           |           *** ACADEMIC BANK OF CREDITS: ABC  (New) ***           |           ***  Prof. Yengkhom Raghumani Singh, Dept. of Earth Sc., has been selected as Adjunct Faculty in the Department of Geology & Environmental Scinece, University of Pittsburgh.  (New) ***           |           ***  15th CONVOCATION 2023: Register Now for 2013-2020 passout students;  (New) ***           |           ***  DOWNLOAD UG(BA/BSc/BCom) Online Provisional Marksheet.  (New) ***           |           *** Issue of 1st semester hostel fee payment is resolved and those students who already paid the fee shall download the fee receipt  (New) ***           |           *** Wi-Fi Registration Form Fill Up  (New) ***           |           *** Samarth EXAM FORM FILL UP for MU  (New) ***           |           *** Verification of financial transactions will be opened from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM on every working day. (New) ***           |           *** Online Provisional Marksheet (BA/BSc)  ***           |           ***  Tender for Supply of Equipments & Consumable items; (New) ***           |           *** COVID-19: Mental Health Counselling [TIMING: 9:00 AM-5:00 PM] (New) ***           |           *** COVID-19 related Notifications.  ***           |           *** Affiliating College Notifications; (New) ***           |           *** CYBER SECURITY TIPS  (New) ***           |              

Department of Zoology

* Date 25/11/2022: 5th Provisionally selected for admission to MSc ZOOLOGY through CUET 2022; admission from 26-to-28/11/2022 last date of submission 29/11/2022

* Date 16/11/2022: Fourth Provisionally selected for admission to MSc ZOOLOGY through CUET 2022; admission from 16-to-19/11/2022, last date of submission 21/11/2022

* Date 12/11/2022: Third Provisionally selected for admission to MSc ZOOLOGY through CUET 2022; admission from 12-to-14/11/2022, last date of submission 15/11/2022

Second Provisionally selected for admission to MSc ZOOLOGY through CUET/MUET 2022; verification on 9-to-11/11/2022 & admission 15/11/2022


* Date 10/10/2022: Result of the Entrance Test (MUET) for the Admission of MSc ZOOLOGY held on 10/10/2022

* Date 6/10/2022: Instruction to Candidates + Seat allotment for the admission into MSc ZOOLOGY Entrance Test(MUET) to be held on 10/10/2022

* Date 13/08/2022: Recruitment: Walk-in-Interview 2(Two) Field Staff for NABARD-sponsored project on 18/08/2022

* Date 13/06/2022:  The Qualifying Entrance Examination for admission to Pre-PhD in ZOOLOGY will be held on 17/06/2022

* Date 28/05/2022: Lecture on the topic "Importance of Publications in Scientific Research Findings" at 2.30 pm on Monday, the 30th May 2022

* Date 02/04/2022: Sajibu Cheiraoba Greetings from LSD; meeting call at 1.30 pm on 04/04/2022 in the Conference hall, Life Sciences building.

* Date 22/01/2022: Offline Practical Classes for the MSc Life Science(Zoology) 3rd Semester will be held on 31.01.2022, 01.02.2022 and 02.02.2022.

* Date 20/12/2021: MSc Zoology classes shall continue from the 5th January, 2022; However, CBCS class shall be there as usual.

* Date 20/12/2021: Induction Progam of the newly admitted students of MSc 1st semester in ZOOLOGY & BOTANY on 22/12/2021 at Centenary hall, Manipur University, Canchipur

* Date 16/12/2021: A Board of Studies of the Department of Zoology in combination with Dept of Botany shall be held on 18/12/2021

* Date 14/12/2021: Candidates Recommended for admission to MSc Zoology 1st Semester 2021 from the wait list; verification 14 to 16 dec;admission last date 16/12/2021

* Date 29/11/2021: Selected students for MSc Zoology 3rd semester Choice of CBCS Paper MZ- 304 Opt. - 1 (Fundamental of Modern of Biology)

* Date 26/11/2021: Provisionally selected Students of M.Sc. first semester( Zoology), 2021-22; last date of admission 13/12/2021

* Date 23/11/2021: INTERACTION PROGRAM with Dr. RAGHUMANI S. NINGTHOUJAM, Scientist – G (Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai) On the theme “Nanomaterials and their application in Life Sciences” on Wednesday, the 24 th November, 2021, at 12.30pm in the Zoology Classroom, Annexure building, Life Sciences

* Date 5/11/2021: Corrigendum to the notice of 3.11.2021 regarding submission of BSc 6th Semester mark sheets by the Candidates who appeared in the Entrance test of Zoology

* Date 3/11/2021: List of roll number for BSc 6th Semester document submission of MSc Zoology Admission 2021; last date 15/11/2021

* Date 2/11/2021: Last date to opt the Specialization in MSc Zoology paper is 27/11/2021

* Date 2/11/2021: CBCS paper of 3rd Semester MSc Zoology MZ-304 Opt1(Fundamentals of Modern Biology); last date 20/11/2021

* Date 29/10/2021: Committee members to access the progress of research work of Ghanashsyam, Pratima, Prabina and Robin; sitting on 2/11/2021

* Date 29/10/2021: Recruitment of 1 (one) Project Fellow in the ICAR-DCFR (Directorate of Cold Water Fisheries Research) funded collaborative Network project on “Species and stock validation of Mahseer species of the genus Tor and Neolissochilus from central and eastern Himalayan region of India.”

* Date 28/10/2021: PhD pre-submission seminar of the three Research Scholars(Aheibam Jeerankumar Singh, Nongthombam Pengki Devi & Laishram Shanjoy Singh) of Prof. RK Gambhir Singh on 30/10/2021

* Date 25/10/2021: Gratitute for conducting the MSc 1st Semester Entrance Test in Botany and Zoology on 22 & 24 October 2021

* Date 21/10/2021: Entrance tests of MSc 1st semester Botany & Zoology are scheduled on 22/10/2021 and 24/10/2021; No classes and no visitors on the said two days

* Date 01/10/2021: Tree Plantation programme on 05/10/2021 in connection with WORLD TEACHERS DAY.

* Date 19/05/2021: COVD-19: Department of Zoology and Botany, Manipur University are organising a series of Virtual activities During the Lockdown from the 21st May, 2021

* Date 30/04/2021: Counseling and verification of Botany and Zoology JRFs and Teacher Candidates on 30th April,2021 is postponed due to the government order announcing all areas of greater Imphal as containment zone

* Date 29/04/2021: ADDENDUM: Document verification of JRF for the Pre-PhD counselling in Life Science

* Date 26/04/2021: Documents verification for Pre-PhD in Life Sciences(Botany and Zoology) is 29/04/2021

* Date 26/04/2021:  Documents verification of JRF/Teachers candidates for Pre-PhD programme in Life Sciences(Botany and Zoology) is 30/04/2021

* Date 22/04/2021: List of QET exempted candidates heve to appear the Pre-PhD Botany & Zoology presentation cum interview on 24/04/2021 10:30 AM

* Date 19/04/2021: Additional Pre-PhD Zoology QET exempted list in Animal Physiology

* Date 15/04/2021: Life Sciences Pre-PhD QET Eligible list, QET on 21/04/2021 & Interview on 24/04/2021

* Date 15/04/2021: Last Date to opt ZOOLOGY 4th Semester CBCS MZ-404 Opt.2(Economic Zoology & Ethology) is 28/04/2021

* Date 03/04/2021: Pre-Ph.D. QET entrance test in Life Sciences (Botany & Zoology ) shall be held on Wednesday, the 21st April 2021

* Date 08/03/2021: Interactive sessions with Research fellow from Ghent University, Belgium on 10/03/2021 at Lecture Hall-II(Zoology)

* Date 22/12/2020: Induction program for MSc 1st Semester Life Science (Botany and Zoolgy) 2020 will be held on 07/01/2021 at Centenary Hall

* Date 21/12/2020: Second list of the Candidates Recommended for Admission to M.Sc. 1st Semester Life Science (Zoology), 2020

* Date 02/12/2020: Provisionally recommended for admission to MSc Life Science(Zoology) 1st Semester 2020-2021

* Date 24/11/2020: Last Date for submission of documents for MSc 1st Semester Zoology is extended upto 28/11/2020

* Date 18/11/2020: List of candidates with marks obtained in M.Sc. Zoology Entrance Test 2020, held on 12/11/2020

* Date 18/11/2020: Last date of document submission for MSc Zoology 1st Semester 2020-21 is 24/11/2020

* Date 10/11/2020: New Seat chart for the MSc Zoology Entrance Test on 12/11/2020

* Date 7/11/2020: Fresh Entrance Test of MSc 1st Semester Zoology shall be held on 12/11/2020 + new instruction

* Date 29/10/2020: Seat Chart for Entrance Test for MSc Botany and Zoology 1st Semester 2020

* Date 21/10/2020: Entrance Test for MSc Botany on 03/11/2020 and MSc Zoology on 04/10/2020

* Date 05/10/2020: List of Provisional Selected Student for CBCS 3 Sem Zoology MZ-304OPT-1 Fundamentals of Modern Biology

* Date 23/09/2020: CIRCULAR: Life Science (BOTANY AND ZOOLOGY) CBCS optional papers MB-304OPT-1 & MZ-304OPT-1 registration [pdf]

* Date 09/03/2020: Provisional recommended for admission to Pre-PhD 2020 in Life Science

* Date 05/03/2020: Life Science (Botany+Zoology) Pre-PhD candidates and Interview on 07/03/2020

* Date 03/03/2020: BEE KEEPING and REARING OF INDIGENOUS CATFISH (Ngakra) on 14th to 16th March, 2020

* Date 28/02/2020: Life Sciences (Botany & Zoology) Pre-PhD QET on 4/3/2020 and Interview on 7/3/2020

*Date 20/02/2020: Pre-Ph.D. Qualifying Entrance Test(QET) in Life Sciences (Botany & Zoology) will be held on 04/03/2020

* Date 6/11/2019: Supply of Trinocular Research Sterezoom Microscope, Ion Chromatography System & Water Analysis Kit for DBT twing project at Zoology Dept, Coordinator & PI Prof.Th.Binoy Singh   Cancel Tender No.MU/DZ/DBT-NER/2019/EQ-1 until further notice.

* Date 11/10/2019: Tender for Chemicals, Glasswares and Minor Equipments for Department of Zoology

* Date 17/07/2019: MU Online Admission: MSc Life Science Entrance Test have been held on 28/07/2019, 12:30AM. Collect your ADMIT CARD from the Life Science Department from 24-27 July

* Date 10/06/2019: Programme of MSc Life Science (2nd and 4th Semester) Examination 2019 June

* Date 03/06/2019: Result of MSc in Life Sciences (Zoology) 1st Semester Examination, 2018(December)

* Date 29/05/2019: Result of MSc in Life Sciences(Zoology) 3rd Semester Examination, 2018(December)

* QET for Ph.D. Life Sciences-2019 will be held on 21-02-2019