Academic Year 2019-2020
1. PI: Prof. R. K. Gambhir Singh , Project Title: " Investigation of insect –parasitic (entomophagous) nematodes found in various insects of Manipur and their possible for using as Bio-control agents”.", Funding Agency: DST, New Delhi, Sanction on 2017, Duration (No. of Months): 3, STATUS: Completed
2. PI: Prof. N. Binoy Singh , Project Title: " Biodiversity, Nutritive value and Conservation Strategies of aquatic insects in the wetland ecosystems of Manipur”", Funding Agency: DBT, New Delhi, Sanction on 2019, Duration (No. of Months): 36, STATUS: On-going
3. PI: Dr. Rameshori Yumnam , CO-PI: Dr. Munilkumar Sukham, Project Title: " DNA Barcoding and Domestication of Ornamental Fishes of the Chindwin and Barak-Surma-Meghna River Basins of Northeast India", Funding Agency: DBT, New Delhi, Sanction on 2017, Duration (No. of Months): 36, STATUS: On-going
4. PI: Dr. Rameshori Yumnam , CO-PI: Dr. Yumnam Bedajit Singh, Project Title: " Exploration and characterization of fish germplasm resources and indigenous knowledge of fisherfolks in North-eastern region of India", Funding Agency: ICAR-NBFGR, Lucknow, Sanction on 2018, , Duration (No. of Months): 36, STATUS: On-going
5. PI: Dr. Rameshori Yumnam , CO-PI: Dr. K. Nebeshwar Sharma, Project Title: " Species and stock validation of Mahseer species of genus Tor and Neolissocheilus from Central and Eastern Himalayan region of India", Funding Agency: ICAR-DCFR, Bhimtal, Uttarakhand, Sanction on 2020, August, Duration (No. of Months): 36, STATUS: On-going
6. PI: Dr. K. Birla Singh , Project Title: " Effect of long term excessive Zn supplementation on Gene Expression of antioxidant enzymes in wistar rats and their F1 generations.", Funding Agency: DST-SERB, New Delhi, Sanction on 2017, Duration (No. of Months): 36, STATUS: Completed
Academic Year 2018-2019
1. PI: Dr. Rameshori Yumnam , CO-PI: Dr. Sukham Munilkumar Singh, Project Title: " DNA Barcoding and Domestication of Ornamental Fishes of the Chindwin and Barak-Surma-Meghna River Basins of Northeast India", Funding Agency: Department of Biotechnology (DBT) Govt. of India, Sanction on 2017, Duration (No. of Months): 36, STATUS: On-going
2. PI: Dr. Yumnam Bedajit Singh , CO-PI: Dr. Rameshori Yumnam, Project Title: " Exploration and characterization of fish germplasm resources and indigenous knowledge of fisherfolks in North-eastern region of India", Funding Agency: National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources, Lucknow, Sanction on 2018, Duration (No. of Months): 24, STATUS: On-going
3. PI: Prof. N. Mohilal Meitei , CO-PI: nil, Project Title: " Strudy on the Nematode Parasites infesting intestinal tract of immunodeficient and immunocompromised persons of Manipur - use of Foldscope as a research tool", Funding Agency: DBT, Sanction on 2018, Duration (No. of Months): 12, STATUS: Completed