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1. Moirangthem Monali , " Contemporary Art Activities in Manipur: A Study on a Recent Art Workshop", Intellection, 2019, vol.VII, pp.130-134, issue no.1, ISSN: 2319-8192
2. Yumnam Sapha Wangam Apanthoi M , " Social Identity of Meetei Community-Crafting", International Journal of Research Culture Society, 2019, vol.3, pp.13-15, issue no.4, ISSN: 2456-6683, DOI: Nill
3. Moirangthem Monali , " Hanjabam Shyamo Sharma: Modern Art Movement in Manipur", Art Echo, 2019, vol.IX, pp.68-70, issue no.XVIII, ISSN: 2348-5337
4. Naorem Gautam singh, Lamthakka Elmos shillei Maring , " Interpreting tribal motifs:A study in handloom clothes of Maring Naga tribes of Manipur", International Journal of Research and Analytical Review(IJRAR) , 2019, vol.Vol n, pp.556-561, issue no.2/785, ISSN: E-ISSN 2348-1269, P-ISSN 2349-5138
5. Dr. Meinam Irikhomba Meetei , " Traditional Manipuri Doll: An Aesthetic Interpretation", Art & Deal, 2019, vol.15, pp.51, issue no.135, ISSN: 0258-2074
1. yumnam Sapha Wangam Apanthoi M , " The Meetei Yumjao: A Cultural Study ", Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research , 2018, vol.5, pp.514-523, issue no.12, ISSN: 2349-5162, DOI: JETIR1812B65
2. Moirangthem Monali , " Art and Artist: A Creative Space", Art Echo, 2018, vol.VII, pp.67-69, issue no.XVII, ISSN: 2348-5337