1. PI: Dr. L. Santosh Singh , Project Title: " Organization of Adventure Sports Activities", Funding Agency: National Programme for Youth and Adolescent Development (NPYAD), Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sport, GOI., Sanction on 13.2.2018, Duration (No. of Months): 2, STATUS: On-going
2. PI: Dr. M. Nodiyachand Singh , Project Title: " Prescription of comparative exercise models between the general exercises and yogic exercises on sedentary youth of manipur ", Funding Agency: University Grants Commision, Sanction on 2013, Duration (No. of Months): 2, STATUS: Completed
3. PI: Dr. L. Thambal Singh , Project Title: " Development of talent Identification Programme in Soccer", Funding Agency: University Grants Commision, Sanction on 2013, Duration (No. of Months): 2, STATUS: Completed