Designation: Professor & Registrar(NIT Manipur)
Specialization: Financial Economics, Project Management, Research Methodology, Entrepreneurship etc.
Contact: +919436894427
Email: kctomba [AT]
M.Com., Ph.D. Fellow ICA
Professor and Head
Department of Commerce and
Formerly, Dean of Student’s Welfare
Manipur University (A Central)
CANCHPUR: 795005, Manipur
Date of Birth : 1st January 1969
Address for Correspondence : Department of Commerce, Manipur University, Canchipur, Imphal-795003
Academic Qualifications : M.Com., Ph.D. Fellow ICA Commerce from Manipur University, Canchipur (Manipur) on the topic entitled “Industrial Sickness in Manipur-A case study of small scale industries” in 2002.
M.Com. in Finance from University of Kerala, Trivandrum,1995
M.Com. in Business Economics from Manipur University,Canchipur in 1997.
B.Com in Accounting from D.M.College of Arts and Commerce, Manipur University Canchipur in 1990. Commerce from Kha-Manipur College,Kakching, Manipur university Canchipur in 1987.
High School Leaving Certificate with higher Mathematics subjects from Manipur Board, Imphal in 1985.
Field of Specialization:
Appointments & Experience:
Teaching Experience-20 years, at U.G and P.G,levals.
Teaching Experience-12 years M.Phil.,Ph.D.&Post-doctorate.
Experiences in Guiding Research:
Post- Doctoral(working) : 1
Ph.D. Completed : 4
Ph.D.Submitted : 2
Ph.D. scholar working : 7
M.Phil. Completed : 1
M.Com. dissertation guided : 100
M.B.A. dissertation guided : 10
PGDMM dissertation guided : 20
Fellowships And Awards
Fellow of Indian Commerce Association ( Fellow CAI) -2016
Best Business Academic Year Silver Medal -2017(BBAY) –Impacts on Demonetization of Salaried People in Manipur
Research Projects funded by UGC and ICSSR:
Women Entrepreneurship in Manipur-Problems and Prospects under ICSSR, New Delhi (completed)
An Analytical Study of Entrepreneurial Successful Factors in SME sector at Manipur under UGC, New Delhi.(completed)
Exploratory Study on Occupational Stress in Bus and Lorry Drivers in Manipur under ICSSR, New Delhi (Completed)
End to end Analysis of Delay in Payments under Rural Development &Panchayat Raj Department,Govt. of Manipur (Completed)
Awareness Among Especially Excluded Groups under Rural Development &Panchayat Raj Department,Govt. of Manipur (Completed)
Book published
, Entrepreneurial Successful Factors in SME Sector, Ruby Press &Co. ISBN:978-81-933068-8-8,New Delhi,2019
Research Papers published: (71)
Sustainable Economic Development Socio-Economic and Environmental Study of North-Eastin the Ravi Shankar Kumar Singh (ed.), ‘Poverty and Sustainable Development – The World Perspective’,Abhijit Publications, New Delhi, 2005.
Management of NPAs in RRBs-A Critical evaluation in the Ravishankar Singh (ed), “Globalization and Contemporary Economic Scenario”, Abhijit Publication, New Delhi, 2005, vol. II.
The E-Entrepreneur-potential and Challenges in the G.P. Prasain (ed)., ‘Entrepreneurship and Small scale Industries’, Akansha Publishing House, New Delhi, 2005.
Corporate Governance and Its Emerging Trends in Banking Sector in the Assam University Journal – A Journal of New Ideas, vol. I No. 1st January 2006.
Sickness in Small Scale Industrial Units in Kangleipak Business Review-Manipur University Journal of Commerce vol. 3 No. 1, 2005.
Public Sector Bankers-a new paradigm in the Kangleipak Business Review-Manipur University Journal of Commerce vol. 3. No.1, 2005.
Sickness in Small Scale Industries in Manipur in the Nagaland University Research Journal-A Multi-Disciplinary Approach, vol. 3, September, 2005.
Emergence of Corporate Governance in India in the Global Convergence and Commerce and Commerce Education, Published by Department of Commerce AUS and ICAI, New Delhi, 2005.
Globalization and its Social economic Implications and Complications in Kangleipak Business Review – A Manipur University Journal of Commercefol. 4, No. 1, 2006.
Corporate Social Responsibilities-Some Issues in Banijya: A Research Journal of the Department of Commerce, Assam University, Silchar, vol. 2. No. 1 July 2009.
Cooperative Movement-A study on Manipur State Co-operative Bank Ltd.,inSamabayika,Annual Publication on Co-operative Education and Research,2(1),Assam University,Silchar,May 2010,ISSN-0975-7244.
SarvaShikshaAbhiyan in Manipur-An Initiatives for Social Inclusive Growth,inB.S.Catherine,AnitaRajendra and C.U.Geetha(ed.),Inclusive Growth In India-An Emphasis on Financial and Social Inclusion,Excel India Publishers,New Delhi,2010.
Cooperative Movement-A study on Manipur State Co-operative Bank Ltd.,inSamabayika,Annual Publication on Co-operative Education and Research,2(1),Assam University,Silchar,May,ISSN-0975-7244,June 2010
Tourism in Manipur: An Evaluative Study of Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Y.VenkataRao and G.AnjaneyaSwamy (ed), Tourism Entrepreneurship,ExcelBook,New Delhi,2011.
Educational Development in Manipur in Banijya: A Research Journal of the Department of Commerce, Assam University, Silchar, vol. 4. No. 1 July 2011.
A study of Industrial sickness in the micro, small and medium enterprisesin International Journal of Business, Management &Social Sciences,Vol.1,Issue 8(iv),April2012,ISSN:2249-7463,CCAC,Pune.
Social Entrepreneurship in Manipur –A case of Youth Volunteers’UnioninInternational Journal of Business, Management &Social Sciences,Vol.1,Issue 8(iv),April2012,ISSN:2249-7463,CCAC,Pune.
Analysis of Socio-Economic Status of Manipur’s Schedule Tribesin Mirror-Peer Refereed Bi-annual International Research Journal of Commerce and Management& Social Science,3(2) ISSN 2249-8117,September, 2012.
Industrial Sickness in Small Scale Enterprises – identification and Rehabilitation, Department of Commerce, Assam university, Silchar,2012
Problems and Prospects of entrepreneurship in the Micro ,Small and Medium Enterprises -in S.S.Bhakar and Tarika Singh (ed),Transformation and Survival of Business Organisation Challenges and Opportunities,Macmillan Publishers India Ltd, New Delhi ,2012
Upliftment of Tribe Women through SHGs in Manipur in SDIMT PATH-A journal of Management &Technology,1(1)ISSN 2277-8662,july-september-2012
A study of Occupational Stress on Entrepreneurship in Manipur in Research Explorer-A refereed Bi-Annual International Research Journal on Multidisciplinary,2(6) ISSN: 2250-1940,January-June 2013
Analysis of Socio-Economic Status of Manipur’s Schedule Tribes in Mirror-Peer Refereed Bi-annual International Research Journal of Commerce and Management& Social Science,3(1) ISSN 2249-8117,March 2013.
Ethics in Corporate Social Responsibility in DEECEE School Journal Refered Research Journal of Business,IV(1) March 2012,ISSN:0972-9003.
A study of occupational Stress and Coping Mechanism in Women Entrepreneurs in Global Research Review –Peer Refereed Quarterly Research Journal of Finance and Management,3(1) ISSN: 2250-2 521,June 2013.
Teacher Stress and Coping Behaviour: An Empirical Examination Among University Teachers in Journal of Applied Management Research 2(1) ISSN: 2319-1228, June 2013
Economic and Social Assessment of Wage Employment Programs in Manipur in IOSR Journals of Humanities and Social Science(IOSR-JHSS),15(3) e-ISSN:2279-0837,p-ISSN: 2279-0845.,September-October, 2013
MGNGEGA a Determination of Overall Social-Economic Development in India in Mirror-Peer Refereed Bi-annual International Research Journal of Commerce and Management& Social Science,3(2) ISSN 2249-8117,September, 2013.
Rural Poverty Alleviation Programmes:A Study of MGNREGA in Manipur in International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention, ISSN(Online):2319-7722,ISSN(Print):2319-7714,2(9),September. 2013
Customer Banking Habits and Choice Criteria of Tribal Women in Manipur with reference to Senapati District, Research Line-Peer Reviewed Interdisciplinary Research Journal, VI(2) ISSN 0975-8941,December,2013.
Management of Non-Performing Assets: A Study in Manipur Rural Bank, Peer Refereed Quarterly Inter Disciplinary Research Journal, III (IV-B), ISSN 2249-6696, December, 2013.
Inclusive Growth in India an Emphasis on Financial and Social Inclusion in the Professor L. IbotombiSingh;ThathangVaiphei and Yaiphaba N.(ed), “Discourse on Social Exclusion and Inclusive Development in North East India” New Delhi,Snmarg Publishers & Distributions 2013.
Women Empowerment through development of Micro Enterprises in Manipur,AADYAM-A journal of Management, 2(1),Excel India Publishers,New Delhi,2013.
Youth and Entrepreneurship, Souvenir North East NSS Festival 2013,Ministry of Youth Affairs &Sports,Govt.of India,2013
Financing of Micro Enterprises in Manipur- A study of Senapati District, LUX MONTIS, Journal of Commerce, Management and English Literature Peer Reviewed Bi-annual Research Journal,2(1),ISSN 2321-8053,January 2014.
An Exploratory Study on CSR of business enterprises operating in Manipur, Global Research Review Peer Refereed Research Journal, 4(2)ISSN 2250-2521, June 2014.
Analytical Study on Rural Credit in Manipur, Indian Research Bulleting, Quarterly Referred Research Journal 2(2) ISSN No.2348-1315 (New Delhi), June -2014.
CSR Practices Among the Organization in Manipur, Humanities and Social Science Studies (HSSS)-A quarterly interdisciplinary journal,3(2),ISSN:2319-829X,June 2014
A Study on Satisfactory Level of Asset,Indian Research Bulleting, Quarterly Referred Research Journal 2(2) ISSN No.2348-1315 (New Delhi), June -2014.
Job Satisfaction and Occupational Stress Among Public and Private Bank Employees in Manipur,International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review
Sustainable Livelihood Approach to poverty Alleviation- An analysis in A.Koireng Singh, H.Shukhdeba Sharma, &Th.Homen(ed.) Human security in the northeast India: Challenges and predicaments ,Essential Books, New Delhi 2014.
Education Development of Schedule Tribe of Manipur: A case study of Tamenglong District in Shyamkishor A (ed.) Engaging failed state political social and economic issues of contemporary Manipur, Mittal publications, New Delhi 2014.
Role of Cabbage Cultivators in Mobilizing local Resource in Manipur:A Socio-Economic Perspective Indian Research Bulleting, Quarterly Referred Research Journal 3(3) ISSN No.2348-1315 (New Delhi), September -2014.
An Assessment of Impact of MGNREGP in Manipur, SELP Journal of Social Science 5(21) ISSN: 0975-9999(P), July-September, 2014.
Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Manipur: A study Indian Research Bulleting, Quarterly Referred Research Journal 3(4) ISSN No.2348-1315 (New Delhi), December -2014.
The Impact of National Rural Health Mission in Manipur a Case Study of TAMENGLONG District Indian Research Bulleting, Quarterly Referred Research Journal 3(4) ISSN No.2348-1315 (New Delhi), December -2014.
HRM Practices and Entrepreneurial Success in MSMEs of Manipur,Global Research Review Peer Refereed Research Journal, 4(4)ISSN 2250-2521, December 2014
Motivation and its Influence on Entrepreneurial SuccessinS.S.Bhakar ,Richa Banerjee (ed) in the Creative & Innovative Excellence for World in Motion,Bharti Publications, New Delhi,2015.
Measuring Occupational Stress and Job Satisfaction Among Nurses of Manipur, Jamshedpur Research Review Intentional Journal of Multidisciplinary Research,3(9) ISSN:2320-2750,December 2014-Feburary 2015.
Corporate Social Responsibility Practices in Manipur-A case study on brick field Industry,Kangleipak Business Review –A Manipur University Journal of Business Studies,Vol-VIII,ISSN:0975-3656 December 2014.
Entrepreneurship Intentions Among University Students in Manipur, International Journal of Management and Social Science Research Review,1(7) ISSN-2349-6738,January 2015.
Status of Schedule Caste and Schedule Tribe Women in North East India: Empirical evidence from Rural Women in Manipur in Mirror-Peer Refereed Bi-annual International Research Journal of Commerce and Management& Social Science,5(2) ISSN 2249-8117,September, 2015.
Measuring Occupational Stress and Job Satisfaction Among Nurses of Manipur, Jamshedpur Research Review Intentional Journal of Multidisciplinary Research,3(9) ISSN:2320-2750,December 2014-Feburary 2015.
Work Stress Conditions of the Passenger Drivers, Jamshedpur Research Review Intentional Journal of Multidisciplinary Research,3(12) ISSN:2320-2750,September 2015-November 2015.
Indian-ASEAN Economic Relations with Reference to Myanmar in E. Bijoykumar Singh (ed.) Contextualizing Indo-Myanmar Border Trade at Moreh,Sunmang Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi,2016 .
Consumer movement and consumer rights awareness in Manipur MC Arunkumar and A.Koireng Singh(ed)Contemporary Socio-Political Movements in Northeast India, Jain Book Shop Publication,Imphal(Manipur),2016
MGNREGA and its influence on Social transformation in Manipur,International Journal for research and studies,Bi-yearly referred research journal 2(1),ISSN:2395-6984 (New Delhi),2016
Self-reporting driver stress and aberrant behavior,Anweshan,Journal of the department of Commerce,University of North Bengal,Vol.4,No.1,March,2016,ISSN 2321-0370.
The Dula Dangerous Driving Index as a Predictor of Road Traffic Accidents:Testing a Contextual Mediated Model,Kangleipak Business
Review: A Manipur University Journal of Business Studies,Vol.No.IX(1),ISSN-0975-3656,2016
Perceptions of Corporate Social Responsibility:Influence on Attitude and Purchase Behavior in the RajkumarGiridhari Singh(ed.) Corporate governance &Corporate Social Responsibility in India-Issues and Perspectives,Ruby Press &Co,New Delhi,2016
Development of MSMEs in the Valley Districts of Manipur,International Journal for Research and Studies, Bi-Yearly Referred Research Journal B.R,International Publication house,3(2) ISSN No.:2395-6984 ,2017
Motivational Factors and its Effectiveness on the Employees’ Commitment: Evidence from M.S.C.B.Ltd.,Employees, International Journal for Research and Studies, Bi-Yearly Referred Research Journal B.R,International Publication house,3(2) ISSN No.:2395-6984 ,2017
Professional bus and lorry drivers’ tendency to commit different aberrant driving behaviours and its consequent crash risks Jamshedpur Research Review Intentional Journal of Multidisciplinary Research,3(22) ISSN:2320-2750,June-August,2017
Awareness and Purchasing Behaviors towards Green Products among College and University Students: Testing a Contextual Mediated Model,Mirror-Peer Refereed Bi-annual International Research Journal of Commerce and Management& Social Science,5(10) ISSN 2249-8117,August, 2017.
Impact of Demonetization on salaried people in Manipur, The India Journal of Commerce, Vol.71.No.1, March -2018.
Tribal Development Programmes in Manipur: Evidence from Tamenglong District, Democratic Decentralization and the Tribals in North East India-Problems and Challenges(ed), ThanthangVaiphei,Rubby Press &Co. New Delhi,2019
Development of dairy industry in India, Recent Trends in Business and Management, (Ed) Singh W.C.,SharmaL.S.,Ahmed, J.U.,andAkoijamSunildro, L.S, Himalaya Publishing House 2019
Job satisfaction and occupational stress among bank employees in Manipur, Recent Trends in Business and Management, (Ed) Singh W.C.,SharmaL.S.,Ahmed, J.U.,andAkoijamSunildro, L.S, Himalaya Publishing House 2019
Media marketing and its impact on buying behavior among students, Recent Trends in Business and Mangement, (Ed) Singh W.C.,SharmaL.S.,Ahmed, J.U.,andAkoijamSunildro, L.S, Himalaya Publishing House 2019
Forest Based Industry in Churachandpur District from the Entrepreneurial Perspective, Researcher World Journal of Arts, Science and Commerce, ISSN-2231-4172, 2019.
An Empirical Study on Bandhs and Blockades and its Consumers Challenges in Manipur, Politics of Alternative Government and Self Governance,ISBN 9788183705479,Akasha Publication,New Delhi,2019
Seminar/Conference/Workshop attended and paper presented :
Attended in the Seminar and Conference
Attended in two day workshop on “Entrepreneurship Development in Assam-Challenges and Opportunities” under the sponsorship of ICSSR and organized by the North Eastern Centre for Advance Studies and Department of Business Administration, Assam University, Silchar October 9-10, 2004.
Attended in the 2 weeks Faculty Development Programme on Management organized by NERIM, Guwahati sponsored by AICTE,Ministry of HRD,Govt.of India from June 20th to July 2nd ,2005.
Attended as a Programme Co-ordinator, NSS, Assam University in a 2 Day Training programme on Peer Educators and Community Youth on HIV/AIDS & Healthy Life Style under UTA Phase-II Project” organized by NSS regional Centre, Guwahati at Women’s College, Silchar, October 21-22, 2005.
Attended a workshop on “Disaster Management” organized by NSS Regional Centre Centre, Guwahati at NEHU in collaboration with Ministry of Home Affairs, Govt. of India, 2006.
Attended a National Seminar on “Role of Educational Institution in Consumers Protection and Welfare” organized by IIPA Imphal, Local Branch, Department of Commerce and Department of Geography, Manipur University, Imphal, 22nd May, 2006.
Attended a launching of “Youth Unite for Victory on AIDS and Orientation Meeting of Key Functionaries of NSS” organized by Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports, Govt. of India at VigyanBhawan, New Delhi, June 27-28, 2006.
Attended in a workshop on “Redesigning of B.Com. Syllabus” organized by Assam University Silchar, September 18, 2006.
Attended in a 2 days “Orientation Programme for Academic Councilor of Commerce and International Business Operation” organized by IGNOU Regional Centre AIZAWL and EDNERU, IGNOU, New Delhi, March 12-13, 2008.
Attended in the two day Orientation Programme for Academic Counsellors of Commerce and International Business Operation organized by the IGNOU Regional Centre, Aizawl on 12-13 March,2008.
Attended a National Seminar on “Consumers Rights in India” organized by IIPA Imphal, Local Branch and Department of Commerce,Manipur University, Imphal on 30th March 2009.
Acted as a Co-Chairperson in the Technical session of UGC sponsored Sixth International Seminar on Emerging Capital Markets-Issues and Challenges, organized by Department of Commerce and Financial Studies, Bharathidasan University, Tamil Nadu during January 8-9, 2011.
Attended in the Workshop on Data Analysis Using Statistical Package at Department of Statistics, M.U., organized by ISI, Kolkata during February 21-25, 2011.
Attended in the UGC-Sponsored Short Term Course on Intellectual Property Right organized by UGC-Academic Staff College Manipur University, Canchipur during july 27th to August, 2011.
Attended in the Five day national workshop on User Awareness programme on Access Library Resources ,sponsored by the National Library Kolkata (Govt.of India, Ministry of Culture)organized by the Manipur University Library,Imphal from 18th-22nd September,2012 held at M.U library.
Attended in the one day national Seminar on Youth for Good Governance organized by the NSS Cell, Manipur University, Imphal on May 30,2013.
Presentation of Papers: National and International
Problems of Department of Small Scale Units in the North East Region in the 2 Days National Seminar on Institutional Barriers to Development in the North East organized by Nagaland University in collaboration with the IASSI, New Delhi, OKDISCD, Guwahati and GSDS, New Delhi, march 29-30, 2004.
Women Entrepreneurship in Manipur – Problems and prospects in the ICSSR Workshop for young researchers, organized in association with the Department of Economics, Guwahati University, February 11, 2005.
Consumerism and Consumer Rights in the Regional Seminar on Promoting Consumer Education and Welfare organized by Department of Business Administration, Assam university in Collaboration with IIPA New Delhi, March 21-22, 2005.
The E-Entrepreneur-Potential and Challengesin a 2 days National Seminar on Entrepreneurship Development in Manipur with Reference to Small Scale and IT organized by Department of Commerce, Manipur University, in collaboration with the ICSSR, New Delhi, April 6-7, 2005.
Export Problems-Uncertain Future for Tea in the National Seminar on Tea Industry in Assam “ Problems and Prospects “Organized by Department of Economics, Assam University, Silchar August 6, 2006.
Emergence of Corporate Governance in India in the National Seminar on “Global Convergence of Commerce Education” organized by Department of Commerce in Collaboration with ICAI, New Delhi, August 24, 2006.
Small Sale Industries in the Era of Globalization “ Impacts, Challenges and Opportunities in the National Seminar on “
Globalization and Industrial Relocation : Implication for Development Strategy of underdeveloped Regions with Special Reference to North East India” organized by Department of Humanities and Social Sciences NIT, Silchar in Collaboration with DONER, ICSSR and NECS, October 2006.
Development and Its Impacts on Displacement in the North East Region-the Manipur Experience organized by Department of Political Science, Assam University, in collaboration with the ICSSR, New Delhi, Feb. 8-9, 2007.
Emerging Trade Opportunities Between North East India and Neighbouring Countries in the National Seminar on “Border Trade Between North East India and Neighbouring Countries : Problems and Prospects’ organized by the Department of Commerce, Manipur University under the sponsorship of NEC, Shillong, September, 28-29, 2007.
Consumer Awareness and Government Role in the National Seminar on “Consumer Rights in India” organized by the Department of Commerce, Manipur University and IIPA Imphal, Local Branch, under the sponsorship if IIPA, New Delhi and Manipur University March 30, 2009.
Women Entrepreneurship in India- A Reflection in the a National Seminaon “Entrepreneurship in the WTO Era” organized by Department of MIMS, Manipur University under the sponsorship of AICT, New Delhi, April 20, 2009.
Industrial Sickness Causes and Remedial Measures in the 5 Days EDP Training Programmes on “EDP for the IFAD Beneficiary”, organized by Department of Commerce, Manipur University under the sponsorship of IFAD, April 1-5, 2008.
Sickness of Small Scale industries in the 34 Days EDP Training Programmes on “Entrepreneurship Development Programme”, organized by D.M. College of Commerce, Imphal, Manipur, under the sponsorship of Directorate of university and Higher Education, Govt. of Manipur, 21st Sept. – 24th Oct.2, 2008
Industrial Sickness in Small Scale Enterprises – identification and Rehabilitation in the Two Days National Seminar on Entrepreneurship and Small Business Department Issues, Challenges and Opportunities in the Global Economy, organized by Department of Commerce, School of Management Studies, Assam University, Silchar, 5-6 March, 2010.
Innovation and Entrepreneurship in Tourism Sectors in Manipur, in the two Days UGC-SAP National Seminar on Creativity and Innovations in Tourism Entrepreneurship – Contemporary Trends organized by Department of Tourism Studies, School of management Studies, Pondichery University, Pondichery, 19- no March 2010.
SarvaShikshaAbhiyan in Manipur- An initiatives for social inclusive growth, in the two days National Seminar on Inclusive growth in India an emphasis on financial and social inclusive,organized by the Department of Management Studies ,Women’s Christan College,Chennai,7-8th October 2010
Social Infrastructure in Manipur, in the Seventh International Conference on Economics and Finance, organized by IBS Bangalore during January 4-5,2011
Corporate Governance for Corporate Excellence-The new paradigm in the UGC sponsored Sixth International Seminar on Emerging Capital Markets-Issues and Challenges, organized by Department of Commerce and Financial Studies, Bharathidasan University, Tamil Nadu during January 8-9, 2011.
Corporate Social Responsibility Practices in India-An empirical study in the 4th Annual International Conference on Management and Social Welfare Issues-contemporary perspectives, organized by the IISWBM,Kolkata during January 13-14,2011.
A study of the problems of Sick Small Scale Industries in Manipur in the International Conference on Business &Techology,organized by IAMS and FRI university,Dehradun during November 4-5,2011.
Globalization and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises in Manipur in the National Inter-Disciplinary Seminar on Globalization and Manipurorganized by D.M.College of Arts in collaboration with D.M.College of Science,Imphal,sponsored by UGC and ICSSR(NERC),during December 17-18,2011.
Problems and Prospects of Entrepreneurship in the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises at Manipur in the 3rd International Conference on Transformation and Survival of Business Organisation Challenges and Opportunities organized by Prestige Institute of Management,Gwalior,during December,28-30 2011.
India’s Look East policy-Predicaments and Opportunities for North East India in the International Conference on Exploring Sub-regional Co-operation in the context of India –Bangladesh relation: History, Science and culture, organized by IQA, Assam University, Silchar, 2011.
Ethics in Corporate Social Responsibility in the xiii Annual International Seminar on Ethics ,Morality, and Spirituality organized by Delhi School of Professional Studies and Research ,Delhi, during January 4-5,2012.
Management of Non-Performing Assets(NPAs) in Manipur Rural Bank in the 9th International Conference on Business and Finance, organized by IBS Hyderabad during January 6-7,2012.
Sustainable Livelihood Approach to Poverty alleviation-an analysis in the two days International Seminar on Human Security in the North Region: Challenges and Predicament organized by Department of Social Work, Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Regional Campus, Manipur in collaboration with CMS, Manipur University, canchipur during March 2-3, 2012.
Social Entrepreneurship in Manipur in the 3 days National Level Seminar on Entrepreneurship Development –An Economic Growth Perspective at Aditya Institute of Management,Pune during March 2-4,2012
Inclusive Growth in India-An Emphasis on Financial and Social Inclusion in the 2days National Level Seminar on Social exclusion and inclusion development in the north east organized by the CSSEIP,Manipur University, April 20-21,2012.
Rural Poverty Alleviation Programmes-A study of MGNREGA in Manipur in the 2days National Level Seminar on Entrepreneurship Development in the north east India with special reference to women entrepreneurs of Manipur –Problems and Prospects organized by Deptt. Of Commerce, Manipur University and IIPA Imphal Local Branch, May28-29, 2012.
Youth Entrepreneurship and Local Development in Manipur in the 2 days National Level Seminar on Entrepreneurship Development in the north east India with special reference to women entrepreneurs of Manipur –Problems and Prospects organized by Deptt. Of Commerce, Manipur University and IIPA Imphal Local Branch, May28-29, 2012.
Occupational Stress on Women Entrepreneurs in Manipur in the 2days National Level Seminar on Entrepreneurship Development in the north east India with special reference to women entrepreneurs of Manipur –Problems and Prospects organized by Deptt. Of Commerce, Manipur University and ICSSR, September19-20, 2012.
Poverty Alleviation and Women Employment-Evidence from Thoubal District in the 2days National Level Seminar on Entrepreneurship Development in the north east India with special reference to women entrepreneurs of Manipur –Problems and Prospects organized by Dept. Of Commerce, Manipur University and ICSSR, September19-20, 2012.
Women in Management of MSMEs-A study on Women Empowerment in the 2days National Level Seminar on Entrepreneurship Development in the north east India with special reference to women entrepreneurs of Manipur –Problems and Prospects organized by Deptt. Of Commerce, Manipur University and ICSSR, September19-20, 2012.
MSMEs: An Avenue for self-employment in the UGC sponsored National seminar on Role of Financial Institution for Promotion of Business with special reference to North-east India organized by Baptist College, Kohima,April 26-27,2012.
Upliftment of Tribal Women through SHGs in UkhrulDistrictt in the UGC sponsored National seminar on Role of Financial Institution for Promotion of Business with special reference to North-east India organized by Baptist College, Kohima,April 26-27,2012
Economic and Social Assessment of Wage Employment Programmes in Manipur in the ICSSR-NERC sponsored National seminar on Promoting Financial Inclusion for Inclusive Growth with special reference to North-east India organized by Department of Commerce, Assam University Diphu Campus, and November 23-24, 2012.
Inclusive Growth in India an Emphasis on Financial and Social Inclusion in the two day National Seminar on Social Exclusion and Inclusive Development in the North East organized by the Centre for Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy(CSSEIP),M.U.,held on 20-21 April,2012 at M.U.,Canchipur.
India-ASEAN Economic Relations with Reference to Myanmar in the UGC sponsored National seminar on Indo-Myanmar Border Trade-Volume organized by Department of Economics, Manipur University, Canchipur, March25-26, 2013.
Need for Sustainable Tourism in Manipur: A Study in two days National Seminar on “Tourism Industry in Manipur: Problems and Prospects” organized by the Department of Commerce, Manipur University sponsored by ICSSR,New Delhi from 22nd and 23rd August 2013.
Ushering Economic Growth Through Cabbage Farming in Manipur, in the two days National Seminar on Ushering Economic Growth in the North East India organized by the Department of Economics, Manipur University in association with The India Econometric Society at Economics Department,M.U. on 29-30 Nov.2013.
Role of Cabbage Cultivators in Mobilizing Local Resources in Manipur in the 66th All India Commerce Conference of the Indian Commerce Association held on Bangalore University,Bangalore,from 5th to 7th December,2013
A Study on the Financing of Micro Enterprises in Manipur in the 66th All India Commerce Conference of the Indian Commerce Association held on Bangalore University, Bangalore from 5th to 7th December,2013
A Study on Satisfaction Level of Asset Creation under MGNREGA in Manipur in the 66th All India Commerce Conference of the Indian Commerce Association held on Bangalore University,Bangalore from 5th to 7th December,2013
Perspective of Commerce Education in Inclusive Growth: A study of Agricultural Entrepreneurship in the 66th All India Commerce Conference of the Indian Commerce Association held on Bangalore University,Bangalore from 5th to 7th December,2013
Financial Inclusion through banking habits of tribal women in Manipur in the UGC sponsored 2 day National Seminar on Inclusive Development Strategy and North East India organized by Department of Commerce and Economics,RAMTHAKURCOLLEGE,Agartala,Tripura on 11th&12th January,2014.
Potential of Women Self Help Groups as an Entrepreneur-A study in Thoubal District of Manipur in the UGC sponsored one day National Seminar on Commerce & Management Education in the Emerging Multi-Dimensional Setting, organized by D.M.College of Commerce,Imphal on 27th March,2014
Fish Farming in the Hills of Manipur in the International Seminar on Entrepreneurship in the Fast Changing Society: The Socio-Economic Perspectives held on Department of Management, NEHU,TuraCampus,Tura from 26th -27th June,2014.
Women Entrepreneurship in Thoubal District of Manipur, in the International Seminar on Entrepreneurship in the Fast Changing Society: The Socio-Economic Perspectives held on Department of Management, NEHU,TuraCampus,Tura from 26th -27th June,2014.
An exploratory study on corporate social responsibility of business enterprises operating in Manipur in the 67th All India Commerce Conference of the Indian Commerce Association held on KIIT University, Bhubaneswar from 27th to 29th December,2014
Entrepreneurial Intentions among University Students in Manipur in the 67th All India Commerce Conference of the Indian Commerce Association held on KIIT University, Bhubaneswar from 27th to 29th December,2014
Corporate Social Responsibility Practices in Manipur: A case study on brick field industry in the 67th All India Commerce Conference of the Indian Commerce Association held on KIIT University, Bhubaneswar from 27th to 29th December,2014
Human Resource Management Practices and Entrepreneurial Success in MSMEs of Manipur in the 67th All India Commerce Conference of the Indian Commerce Association held on KIIT University, Bhubaneswar from 27th to 29th December,2014
Students’ perceptions of corporate social responsibility: Influence on attitude and purchase behavior in the 67th All India Commerce Conference of the Indian Commerce Association held on KIIT University, Bhubaneswar from 27th to 29th December,2014
Job Satisfaction on Private Hospital of Manipur- An Empirical Study in the 2nd International Conference INNOSERVE organized by ITM University, Gwalior from January 13-15, 2015.
Motivation and its Influence on Entrepreneurial Success in the 6th International Conference organised by Prestige Institute of Management, Gwalior from January 10-12 2015.
Tribal Development Programme in Manipur-An Evidence from Tamenglong District in the Two-Day National Seminar on Democratic Decentralization and the Tribals in NEI,organized by the Central for Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy, Manipur University from 12-13 February,2015.
MGNREGA and its influence on Social transformation in Manipur in 15th conference of IASSI organized by Manipur University from 27-28 February 2015.
Social Media and Its Role in Supporting Learning Among Manipur University Students in the 68th All India Commerce Conference of the Indian Commerce Association held on VinobaBhave University, Hazaribad from 6th to 8th November, 2015.
Consumer movement and consumer rights awareness in Manipur in the three days International seminar on Movement in recent past and present NE India with special reference to Manipur organized by CMS,Manipur University in collaboration with ICSSR,New Delhi, during November 27-29, 2015.
Status of Schedule Caste and Schedule Tribe Women in North East India: Empirical evidence from Rural Women in Manipurin the 69th All India Commerce Conference of the Indian Commerce Association held on Lucknow University, from 8th to 10th November, 2016.
Student Consumers’ Awarreness and Purchasing Behaviour Towards National Seminar on Consumer Protection and Consumer welfare with special reference to North East India organized by Department of Commerce,M.U in Collaboration with IIPS,NewDelhi,from 25th to 26th September,2017
Consumer Protection and Consumer welfare with special reference to North East India organized by Department of Commerce,M.U in Collaboration with IIPS,NewDelhi,from 25th to 26th September,2017
Consumer awareness and Consumption behavior of Liquid Milk in Imphal East District on Consumer Protection and Consumer welfare with special reference to North East India organized by Department of Commerce,M.U in Collaboration with IIPS,NewDelhi,from 25th to 26th September,2017
Online Shopping-A paradigm Shift in Buying Behaviour Among University StudentsonConsumer Protection and Consumer welfare with special reference to North East India organized by Department of Commerce,M.U in Collaboration with IIPS,NewDelhi,from 25th to 26th September,2017
Bandhs and Blockades and Its Implication on Buying Behaviour of Rural Consumers in Manipur onConsumer Protection and Consumer welfare with special reference to North East India organized by Department of Commerce,M.U in Collaboration with IIPS,NewDelhi,from 25th to 26th September,2017.
Impacts on Demonetization of Salaried People in Manipur in the 70th All India Commerce Conference of the Indian Commerce Association held on IIS University, Jaipur from 11th to 14th October, 2017.
The Sustainability of forest based industry in Churchandpur district: From the entrepreneurial perspective
Awareness of Mahatma Gandhi NREGA among especially excluded groups of Manipur,71st Indian Commerce Conference at Osmania University, Hyderabad ,20th -22nd November,2018
Coping Occupational Stress: Testing A Contextual Mediated Driver Coping Model, 71st Indian Commerce conference ,Osmania university, Hyderabad,20th -22nd November,2018
Occupational stress its manifestation and coping: a comparative analysis Two- Day Impress-ICSSR sponsored National Seminar on Recent Trends and Issues Environmental and Occupational Health,25-26,April 2019,Department of Education,M.U
Journals, Magazines, Reports etc. Edited/Member, Advisory Board:
Editorial Board Member in Kangleipak Business Review: A Journal of Commerce Department Manipur University
Indian Editorial Member in the Researcher Explorer-A Refereed Bi-Annual International Research Journal on Multidisciplinary.
Member of the paper Review Committee in the 3 days National Level Seminar on Entrepreneurship Development –An Economic Growth Perspective at Aditya Institute of Management,Pune during March 2-4,2012
Editorial Board Member in Global Research Review-A Peer Refereed Quarterly Research Journal of Finance and Management.
Editorial Member in the India Research Bulletin- A peer journal of Human Rights Committee of India, Dhanbad, Jharkhand.
Editorial Member in the International Journal for Research and Studies –Bi-Yearly Referred Research Journal,B.R.International Publication House Dhanbad,Jharkhand.
Editorial Member in the Jamshedpur Research Review Intentional Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Jharkhand.
Patron member in the, International Journal for research and studies,Bi-yearly referred research journal B.R.International Publication House Dhanbad,Jharkhand.
Lectures Delivered as Resource Person in Training Programmes/Refresher Course:
Delivered a lecture on “SHG formation and Federation: Concept & Key Characteristics ”on 25th June,2010 in the 4days Training Course on “Agri-livestock Enterprises for Self-employment under SGSY ”organized by State Institute Of Rural Development, Government of Manipur,Porompat.
Delivered a lecture on “Entrepreneurship &Enterprise in Poverty Alleviation “on 20thDecember,2010 in the 3days Training Course on “Sustainable Rural Development & Poverty Alliviation”organized by State Institute Of Rural Development, Government of Manipur, Porompat.
Delivered a lecture on “Concept of Poverty alleviation” on 20th October, 2010 in the 3days Training Course on “Sustainable Rural Development & Poverty” organized by State Institute Of Rural Development, Government of Manipur, Porompat
Delivered a lecture on “Profit Planning for Rural Micro-enterprises” on3rd August,2010 in the 3days Training Course on “Livestock Enterprises for Self Employment under Aegis of NRLM/CSSs ”organized by State Institute Of Rural Development, Government of Manipur,Porompat.
Delivered a lecture on “Entrepreneurship Development in Manipur” on18th July 2011 in the “Entrepreneurship Programme”organized by the Institute of Cooperative Management, Imphal.
Delivered a lecture on “Entrepreneurship&Enterprise in Poverty Alleviation” on 13th January,2011 in the three days Training Course on “Mixed Farming for Poverty Alleviation in Manipur” organized by State Institute Of Rural Development, Government of Manipur, Porompat
Delivered a lecture on “Financial Management of PRIs” on 4th September, 2013 in the three days Training Course on “Agriculture &Livestock Development for Rural Livelihoods under Aajeevika/CSS”organized by State Institute of Rural Development, Government of Manipur, Porompat.
Delivered a lecture on “Entrepreneurship and Enterprise: Concept and Characteristics” on 28th September,2013 in the six days long “Training cum Documentation for Establishment of Rural Industries on Medicinal and Aromatic Plant” jointly organized by NIRD-NERC Guwahati and State Institute of Rural Development, Government of Manipur, Porompat.
Delivered a lecture on “Particulars for Successful Poverty Alleviation” on 15th January,2011 in the three days Training Course on “Mixed Farming for Poverty Alleviation in Manipur” organized by State Institute Of Rural Development, Government of Manipur, Porompat.
Delivered a lecture on “Profit Planning for Rural Micro-enterprises” on1st March, 2012 in the three days Training Course on “RL & PA focused on Livestock Development “organized by State Institute Of Rural Development, Government of Manipur,Porompat.
Delivered a two lectures on “Approach to Personality Development in Addressing Social Exclusion ”at 1100-1230 hrs of day, the 3rd March,2013 and at 1000-1100hrs of day,3rd March,2013, in the Orientation Course on “ Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy” Conducted by the UGC-Academic Staff College, Manipur University, Canchipur from 23rd Feb-22nd march,2013.
Delivered a lecture on “MG-NREGS: Accounting & Social Audit System” on 25th September,2013 in the four days Training Course on “Planning & Convergence under MG-NREGS for District Level Officials and Non-Officials” at District Head Quarter,Bishnupur District, organized by State Institute Of Rural Development, Government of Manipur, Porompat
Delivered a lecture on “Business Diversification” on 28th May,2013 in the one day workshop on “Direct Participation to Accelerated the Activities of Co-operative and Diversification of Business” organized by the Registrar of Co-operative Societies, Government of Manipur,Imphal.
Delivered a Radio talk on “Micro- Enterprise in Manipur” on 01/08/2013 and telecast on 03/08/2013 in the KhulkangiThouram,All India Radio Doordarshan.
Delivered a Radio talk on Industrial Sickness in Manipur on 6/11/2013 and telecast on 7/11/2013 in the KhulkangiThouram,All India Radio Doordarshan,Imphal
Delivered a lecture on Entrepreneurship: Key Characteristics in the 5days Awareness cum Poster Campain on Mithun Rearing for Economic and Nutritional Security and Environmental Protection organized by The ChandelDistric Animal Farmers Welfare Union,Chandel District in collaboration with SIRD,Manipur on 26th October,2013.
Invited as a speaker on “Youth Entrepreneurship and Social Change” in the one day National Seminar on Youth for Social Change organized by AziPremjitUniversity,Banglore and NSS Cell,ManipurUniversity,Imphal at Court Hall M.U on 28th Nov.2013.
Delivered a lecture on “Sustainable Livelihood Approaches in Manipur” on 2th March, 2013 in the three days Training Course on “Agriculture &Livestock Development for Rural Livelihoods under Aajeevika/CSS” organized by State Institute of Rural Development, Government of Manipur, Porompat.
Delivered a lecture Entrepreneurship& Enterprises: Conecpt& Key Characteristics in the 6 days Training programme on Training cum Documentation for Establishment of Rural Industies on Medicinal and Aromatic Plant organized by State Institute Of Rural Development, Government of Manipur,Porompatin collaboration with NERD-NERC,Guwahati on 28th September,2013.
Delivered a lecture on Financial &Administrative Pattern of NSS in the 7 day Orientation Programme for NSS programme Officer organized by NSS Cell, Manipur University, in collaboration with The Ram Krishana Mission Ashrama,Narendrapur,Kolkota at the Centre for Coaching,M.U. on14th March 2014, , Imphal.
Delivered a lecture on “Accounting, Book Keeping and Management Accounting System in MGNREGA” on 20th June, 2014 in the 3days Orientation programme on MGNREGA operational Guidelines-2013 on “Creation of Block Resource Team (BRTs)” organized by State Institute Of Rural Development, Government of Manipur, Porompat
Delivered two lecture on Financial Inclusion through Banking Habits of Tribal Women in Manipur and Women Empowerment through Development of Micro-Enterprises in Manipur in the Summer School: Imagined Gender and Indian Society conducted by the UGC-Academic Staff College, Manipur University,Canchipur,during 2-23,June 2014.
Delivered a Radio talk on “PradhaanMantri Jan-DhanYojana” on 07/10/2014 and telecast on 14/10/2014 in the KhulkangiThouram,All India Radio,PraserBharti
Delivered two lectures on CSR in the 6 days training programme on professional development of PGTS of commerceconducted by Organised by Manipur University in collaboration with National Council for Educational Research and Training (NCERT) from 6th to 11th October 2014 at Lecture Hall, ASC, M.U.
Delivered a lecture on “Accounting, Book Keeping and Management Accounting System in MGNREGA” on 26th September, 2014 in the3 day orientation programme for elected representatives on MGNREGA operational guidelines-2013 organized by Rural Development, Government of Manipur at,Chadel
Delivered two lectures on CSR and Banking habits in the 25th Orientation Programme conducted by the UGC-Academic Staff College, Manipur University, Canchipur, during12 Nov.-9 Dec. 2014.
Delivered a Radio talk on “Financial Literacy” on 20/12/2014 and telecast on 25/12/2014 in the KhulkangiThouram,All India Radio,PraserBharti
Delivered a lecture on “Gender Budgeting &Process: An Overview” on 20th Jan. 2015 in the 3 days Gender Budgeting in Rural Development at DHQ Thoubal (KshetriSangleng) organized by SIRD,Porompat from 19-21th,January,2015.
Delivered a lecture on “Livelihood Assessment and Analysis” on 2nd February, 2015 in the 7 days Capacity Building of Development Functionaries and PRIs/Local Bodies for Promotion of Rural Livelihood of NER under NRLM sponsored by NEC,ShillongOrganized by NIRD,NER Centre, Guwahati held at SIRD,Porompat from 2-7 February,2015.
Delivered two lectures Research Problem &Hypotheses Testing in the short term course in Research Methodology conducted by the UGC-Academic Staff College, Manipur University, Canchipur, during 1 -6 June 2015 on 5/6/2015
Delivered two lectures CSR in Business Enterprises in the 27th Orientation Programme conducted by the UGC-Academic Staff College, Manipur University, Canchipur, during 1-30th July. 2015 on 16/07/2015
Delivered a lecture on “Sustainable Livelihood Approach to Alleviation under MGNREGS”on04/09/2015 in 4 days STATE LEVEL WORSHOP CUM TRAINING ON IPPE-II UNDER MGNREGS FOR DRTs/BRTs organized by Department of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj MGNREGA Monitoring Cell,Govt.of Manipur at ASC,Manipur University from 4th -8th September 2015.
Delivered a lecture on Soft Skills and Personality Development Training Under SUTP organized by Nehru Yuva Kendra ,Imphal on 01/10/2015
Delivered a lecture on DeenDayalUpadhyayaGranmeenKaushalyaYojanaorganized by Nehru Yuva Kendra ,Imphal on 11/09/2015
Delivered a lecture on “ MUDRA Bank”on19/10/2015 in 20 days training programme for women embroidery at Yumrembam ,Imphal East organized by NYK ,Imphal
Delivered a Radio talk on “MUDRA LAON ” on 04/11/2015 and telecast on 10/11/2015 in the NaharolgiThouram,All India Radio,PraserBharti
Delivered a lecture on “Development Livelihood of Rural Poor Household ”on02/11/2015 in 2 days workshop on “IPPE-II under MGNREGA’’ organized by Government of Manipur ,Office of the ProgrammeOfficer,Khangbarol T.D Block ,Chandel at RETREAT HOUSE,MANTRI PUKHRI,Imphal from 2nd -3rd November, 2015.
Delivered a lecture on SKILL DEVELOPMENT AMONGST YOUTH AND ITS CONTRIBUTION TO PEACE BUILDING AND YOUTH AND INTERCULTURAL DIALOGUE in 2-Day Orientation on Youth in Peace Building and Skill Development Organized by GSDS, New Delhi & KGID,Manipur,26-27,November 2015 at Manipur Press Club,Majorkhul,Imphal.
Delivered a lectures on Skill Development in Manipur in the 28th Orientation Programme conducted by the UGC-Academic Staff College, Manipur University, Canchipur, during 1 -30 December 2015 on 11/12/2015
Delivered a lectures on Business Ethics and CSR in the Winter school on Socio-Cultural,Religion,Political and Value education for National Integration conducted by the UGC-Academic Staff College, Manipur University, Canchipur, during 7 -29December 2015 on 17/12/2015
Delivered a lectures on Business and its environment in the Winter school on Socio-Cultural,Religion,Political and Value education for National Integration conducted by the UGC-Academic Staff College, Manipur University, Canchipur, during 7 -29December 2015 on 17/12/2015
Delivered a lectures on Business and its environment in the Winter school on Socio-Cultural,Religion,Political and Value education for National Integration conducted by the UGC-Academic Staff College, Manipur University, Canchipur, during 7 -29December 2015 on 17/12/2015
Delivered lectures on Business and its environment in the 29th Orientation Programme conducted by the UGC-Academic Staff College, Manipur University, Canchipur, during 24February to 23 March 2016on 26/02/2016.
Delivered a lectures on Reliability Assessment and Factor Analysis in the32nd Orientation Programme conducted by the UGC-Academic Staff College, Manipur University, Canchipur,from 23 March-21 April 2016 on 10/04/2017
Delivered a Radio talk on “GST ” on 31/08/2017and telecast on 12/09/2017 in the NaharolgiThouram,All India Radio,PraserBharti
Delivered a lecture on writing a project proposal in the Research Methodology Programme at Indira Gandhi National Tribal University on 15/12/2017
Delivered a lecture on Data reduction method in the 33th orientation programme conducted by the HRDC,M.U on 2/04/2018
Delivered a five(5) lecture on Wealth Creation through Entrepreneurship; Basics of Research Methodology; Corporate Social Responsibility and Testing of Hypothesis in the orientation programme and Social refresher course conducted by the HRDC,North Bengal university,W.B on 12/06/2018 to13 /06/2018
Academic-Cum-Administrative Positions:
Nodal Person for Ek Bharat ShreshthaBharat,Manipur University.
North Eastern Hill University (NEHU) Court Member(Visitor’s nominee)
Dean of Students’ Welfare w,e.f.09/03/2017 t0 20/9/2018
3rd Executive Council Member (Chancellor’s Nominee), Manipur University (4/04/2013 to 04/04/20162016)
4th Executive Council Member,( As per Acts), Manipur University
3rd Finance Committee Member (E.C’sNominee), Manipur University (12/04/2013to 12/04/2016)
Member of Dean Committee, Manipur University, Canchipur
Chairman, Volunteers’ committee of 105th Indian SciencesCongress at M.U
Convener,Accomodation Committee of 105th ISC
Member, Central organization committee of 105th ISC,M.U from 16th March to 20th March 2018
Member of Quality Monitoring Committee for Major Construction Works , Manipur University, Canchipur
Member of Roster Register of Group A (Non-Teaching) Post,PRO and Curator, Manipur University, Canchipur
Member of Wastage Management Committee, Manipur University, Canchipur
Convener of Grievance Redressal Committee, Manipur University, Canchipur
Convener of Transport Committee of East Zone Vice Chancellors Meet at Manipur University on 18/11/2017 to 20/11/2017
Convener of Accommodation of India Sciences Congress at Manipur University on 16/01/2018 to 20/01/2018
Member of University Purchase Committee, Manipur University, Canchipur
Member of University Examination Committee, Manipur University, Canchipur
Member of University Transport Committee, Manipur University, Canchipur
Chairman of MUSU, Manipur University, Canchipur
Member of Quality maintenance Committee of Building, Manipur University, Canchipur
Convener of Go Green Campus Committee, Manipur University, Canchipur
Chairman of Central Committee of Hostel, Manipur University, Canchipur
Member of Enquiry Committee of Dr.T.Inaobi Singh and DrY.Shantikumar Singh, Manipur University, Canchipur
Member of MUSU Election Assessment Committee, Manipur University, Canchipur
Member of Assistant Registrar Written Test Assessment Committee, Manipur University, Canchipur
Chairman of Manipur University Sports Purchase Committee, Manipur University, Canchipur
Third Court Member, Manipur University (12/03/2013 to12/03/2016)
Member of Academic Council, Manipur University, Canchipur
Organizing Committee member in the 14th Convocation of the University held on 29th April 2014.
Member of Two-Man Committee to examine the service conditions of the 6 MIT Faculty members under resolution No.7/20/27.1.2014 of E.C.on 20th February, 2014.
State Secretary of Indian Academic Researchers’ Association (IARA)
Member of Departmental Research Committee, Commerce Department,M.U.
Member of the B.Com.Syllabus Committee, Manipur University, Canchipur.
Member of the M.Com.Syllabus Committee, Manipur University, Canchipur
Member of the Ph.D Course Work Syllabus Committee, Manipur University, Canchipur.
Member of the Sub-Committee to frame the Question Models of the Under- Graduate in Commerce Subject.
Member,OrganizingCommittee,Assam University Convocation in the year 2006.
Member of the Governing Body,KakchingKhunouCollege,KakchingKhunou
Member of the Building Construction committee KakchingKhunouCollege,KakchingKhunou
Member of the Building Construction committee Kanan Devi College of Education,Pangai,Imphal
Member of the Inspection Committee of Rayburn College, Churachandpur, in connection with renewal of temporary affiliation for the period of 2008-09.
Programame Co-Ordinator, NSS Cell, Assam University, Silchar, (2005-2007).
Member of the Board of Post Graduate Studies in Commerce, Assam University, Silchar, (2004-2007).
Member of the Syllabus Committee on Career Orientation Programme for Principal and Practice of Insurance Management, Assam University, Silchar, (2006).
Member of the School Board of Management Studies, Assam University, Silchar, (2004-2007).
Member of the School Board of Economic, Management and Library Science and Information, Mizoram University, (2007y-2008).
Member of the Admission Committee for Admission of students to the 5 years B.A. L.L.B. (Hons), Assam University, Silchar, (2004-05 & 2006).
Member of the M.Com. Syllabus Committee, Assam University, Silchar.
Member of the B.Com.Syllabus Committee, Assam University, Silchar.
Member Secretary of the Advisory Committee of NSS Cell, Assam University, Silchar.
Member of the Training Advisory Committee of NSS-TOC, IIT, Kharaagpur.
Member of the Class XI and XII Commerce Syllabus Committee, Nagaland Board of School Education, Kohima, (2003).
Selection Committee Member of NSV, (2006 & 2007).
Selection Committee member of Outstanding Youth Club Award for NYK, (2006-07).
Member of the Rural Sport Programmes in Cachar District under the NYK, Cachar, (2006).
Member of the Constitution Review Committee of AUTA, Assam University, (2006).
Programme Officer NSS, Baptist College, Kohima (2002-2004).
Teacher in-Charge of Commerce Forum, Department of Commerce, Assam University, Silchar.
Placement in-Charge of Commerce Department, Assam University, Silchar, (2006-07).
Teacher in-Charge of Sport Secretary, Assam University Students’ Council, (AU), Silchar, (2006-07)
Treasurer of AUTA, Assam University, Silchar (2005-07).
Internal auditor, Assam University Employees Thrift and Credit Cooperative Society Limited. (2005-2007).
Finance Secretary of Manipuri Cultural Society, Kohima, Nagaland, (1998-2004).
Department in Charge of NACC assessment,AssamUniversity,Silchar (2006)
Member of the Inspection Committee of Kanggui Christian College Kangpokpi, in connection with renewal of temporary affiliation for the period of 2009-10.
Membership of Learned Bodies
Life membership of English Language Teachers’ Association of India, Chennai
Chairman, KakchingKhunou Educational Forum,KakchingKhunou,Manipur
Life membership of Indian Accounting Association, India
Life membership of Indian Commerce Association, India
Life membership of Indian Academic Researchers’ Association (IARA)
Life membership of Alumni of Commerce Association, Manipur
Life membership of Indian Research Bulletin, Dhanbad
Life membership SahidModhumangolFoundation,Imphal
National /Social/Extension Services:
Life Member, Lion Club, Canchipur, Imphal
Core Member ,KakchingKhunou Educational Forum
General Secretary, Manipur University Teachers’ Club.
Jt. Secretary,MUTA,ManipurUniversity,Canchipur
Finance secretary,AUTA,AssamUniversity,Silchar
Orientation, Refresher Courses Training Programmes Attended
Participated in a UGC Sponsored Refresher Course in the subject COMMERCE, at Manipur University, Canchipur from 12.6.2000 to 4.7.2000.
Participated in a UGC Sponsored Refresher Course in the subject COMMERCE, at Manipur University, Canchipur from 3.2.2004 to 23.2.2004.
Participated in a Workshop on Survey Methodology an Application of Statistical Packages organized by the ISI, Kolkata, at Manipur University, Canchipur from 28.10.2002 to 1.11.2002.
Attended in the 2 weeks Faculty Development Programme on Management organized by NERIM, Guwahati sponsored by AICTE, Ministry of HRD,Govt.of India from June 20th to July 2nd ,2005.
Participated in a Training of Peer Educators/Community Youth on HIV/AIDS & Health Lifestyle under Universities Talk AIDS (UTA) phase-II project organized by NSS Regional Centre, Guwahati at Woman’s College, Silchar from 21.10.2005 to 22.10.2005.
Attended in the two day Orientation Programme for Academic Counsellors of Commerce and International Business Operation organized by the IGNOU Regional Centre, Aizawl on 12-13 March, 2008.
Attended in the Workshop on Data Analysis Using Statistical Package at Department of Statistics, M.U., organized by ISI, Kolkata during February 21-25, 2011
Attended in the UGC-Sponsored Short Term Course on Intellectual Property Right organized by UGC-Academic Staff College Manipur University, Canchipur during july 27th to August, 2011.
Attended in the Five day national workshop on User Awareness programme on Access Library Resources ,sponsored by the National Library Kolkata (Govt.of India, Ministry of Culture)organized by the Manipur University Library,Imphal from 18th-22nd September,2012 held at M.U library.
Participated in a four days National Workshop on Awareness Programme on Digital Library organized by the National Library, Kolkata, at Manipur University, Canchipur from 11.04.2013 to 14.04.2013.
Orientation, Refresher Courses and Training Programmes conducted
Organizing Secretary of International Seminar on “A perspective of Global Research Process- Present Scenario and Future Challenges” 19th to 20th January 2019.
Conducted SLET Examination as a State Coordinator SLET-2017, 2018 and 2019 for Manipur Center.
Chairperson in the Technical Session II in the 69th All India Commerce Conference of the Indian Commerce Association held on Lucknow University, from 8th to 10th November, 2016.
Chairperson in the Technical Session I in the National Seminar of Consumer Protection Awareness in North East India organized by Commerce Department in Collaboration with IIPA,New Delhi at Commerce Department from 10th to 11thSeptember 2017.
Acted as a Co-Chairperson in the Technical session of UGC sponsored Sixth International Seminar on Emerging Capital Markets-Issues and Challenges, organized by Department of Commerce and Financial Studies, Bharathidasan University, Tamil Nadu during January 8-9, 2011.
Conducted as Course Coordinator in the 22nd Orientation Programme organized by the UGC- Academic Staff College,M.U., Canchipur from 1-28th February 2014.
Conducted as Course Coordinator in the Interactive Programme for Ph.D Scholar organized by the UGC- Academic Staff College,M.U., Canchipur from 27th March 17th April 2015
Conducted as Course Coordinator in the Summer School on Tourism and Border Trade between India and Neighbouring Countries organized by the UGC- Academic Staff College,M.U., Canchipur from 15th June 04th July 2015.
Conducted as Course Coordinator in the Summer School on Sustainable Livelihood Strategy for Poverty Reduction by the UGC- Academic Staff College,M.U., Canchipur from 10th January to 31th January 2017.
Conducted as Course Coordinator in the Advance Data Analysis organized by the ISI, Bangalore in Collaboration with Manipur University from 13th March to 15th March 2017.
Officer in Charge for B.Ed. / HSPS 2016 from 28th May to 15th June 2016.
Officer in Charge for MA/MSE/MCOM 4th Sem 2016 from 22th December to 31th December 2016.
Officer in Charge for MA/MCOM/MSE 1st Sem 2017 from 28th January to 10th January 2017.
Officer in Charge for B.Ed. / HSPS 2012 from 28th May to 15th June 2012.
Assistant Superidentant for UGC-NET for JRF/Eligibility for Lectureship 24th June 2012
Assistant Superidentant for UGC-NET for JRF/Eligibility for Lectureship December 24th 2011.
Assistant Superintendant for UGC-NET for JRF/Eligibility for Lectureship 26th December 2010.
Assistant Officer- in- Charge for of B.Ed & HSPS Examination, 2011.
Assistant Officer- in- Charge for of MA/MSe/M.Com/MLIS/ 1stSem.Examination, 2008
Assistant Officer- in- Charge for of MA/MSe/M.Com/MLIS/ 4thSem.Examination, 2008.
Assistant Officer- in- Charge for of MA/MSe/M.Com/MLIS/ 3rdSem.Examination, 2008.
Assistant Officer- in- Charge for of B.Ed&HSPS Examination, 2009.
Interaction with Universities and Foreign Assignments:
Subject Expert of Selection Committee for the placement of lecturer (Sr. Scale/Selection Grade) in the Manipur Service Commission, Govt. of Manipur in the Year of 2007 , 2011 and 2017).
Recognized Supervisor for Guiding Ph.D./M.Phil. Scholars in Commerce at Manipur University,Canchipur,MaduraiKamraj University, Madurai &Pacific University,Udaipur.
External Examiner for PhD, M.Phil, MBA Dissertation, PGDBM Dissertation, M.A Education dissertation, M.A Adult Education Dissertation of Assam University, Silchar, Mizoram University, Nagaland University, Kohima, BHU, Banaras, Kerela University, Trivandrum,Patna University, and Manipur University, Canchipur.
Experience of Conducting Pre-Submission Seminars, External Examiner of B.Com.Dissertation.Acquired experience of Moderation of Question Papers & Superintending &Officer in-charge in various Examinations. And also Inspection of colleges as a member of Flying squads
Examiner, Paper Setter and Evaluator of answer scripts of Universities & Autonomous Colleges such as Nagland University, Kohima, Mizoram University, Aizawl, Manipur University, Canchipur, Pacific University< Udaipur, Aditya Institute of Management, Pune, Tripura University, Assam University,Silchar, BHU, Banaras, North Bengal University, West Bengal.
OBSERVER for UGC NET EXAMINATION-2015 conducted by CBSE New Delhi held on Sunday, the 27th December, 2015 at Manipur Public School,KoirengeiImphal,Manipur.