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Prof Nameirakpam Pramodini Devi

Designation: Professor & Dean, School of Humanities

Specialization: Sociolinguistics, Sociology of Language and Language Teaching


Email: npramodini [AT] manipuruniv.ac.in npdini[at]yahoo.co.in, nnpdini[at]gmail.com

MA, PhD Linguistics

1. Name : Nameirakpam Pramodini Devi

2. Date of birth : 01-02-1961

3. Date of Joining : November 13, 1991

4. Designation : Professor

5. Qualifications : MA, PhD Linguistics

6. Address : Department of Linguistics,

Manipur University,emailnpdini[at]yahoo.co.in, nnpdini[at]gmail.com

7 Area of specialization : Sociolinguistics, Sociology of Language, Language Teaching and Gender Studies


Paper presented in the national and international conferences:

1. “Tense and Aspect in Tibeto-Burman” National Seminar on Tense and Aspect in Indian Languages 11-12 January, 1985 Osmania University, Hyderabad.

2. “Kinship terminology in Meiteiron” National Seminar on Tibeto-Burman Languages and Linguistics 4-10 March, 1985 Manipur University..

3. “A Sociolinguistic study of the kinship terminology in Meiteiron” ICSSR Research Scholars Seminar 21-23 December, 1987 Bombay University, Kalina, Bombay.

4. “Gender differences in Meiteiron” 2nd International Conference on South Asian Languages (ICOSAL-II) January 9-11, 1999 Punjabi University, Patiala.

5. “Terms of Address in Meiteiron in a situation of change: A Sociolinguistic Study”5th Himalayan Languages Symposium September 13-15,1999 Tribhuban University, Kathmandu, Nepal.

6. “Gender and Language :A case of Meiteiron” 10th European congress of Psychology

July3-6, 2007 Prague, Czech Republic.

7. Presented a paper entitled “perfectivity in Meiteiron” in The 4th ‘International conference on the North East Indian Linguistic Society held at Shillong, January13-17, 2009.

8. Presented a paper – “Evidentiality in Manipuri” in The 9th International conference on South Asian Language’ (ICOSAL), held at Punjabi University Patiala from Jan 7 to 9 Jan, 2010.

9. Presented a paper “Nominalisation in Manipuri” November, 2010 in The 31st Annual Conference of the Linguistic Society of Nepal, held at Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu.

10. Presented a paper “Benefactive constructions in Manipuri” in the International conference on Recent Advances in Linguistics, December15 -16 , 2010 organized jointly by Department of Linguistics, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore and Central Institute of Indian Languages, Mysore.

11. Presented a paper “A study of quotative verb constructions in Manipuri” in The 6th International conference of North East Indian Linguistics Society, held at Tezpur, from 31st Jan to 2nd Feb 2011.

12. Presented a paper entitled “A study of Manipuri V-li: Beyond progressive” in the 39th All India Dravidian Linguists Conference held at Punjabi University Patiala 14-16,June 2011.

13. Presented a paper entitled “Plurality in Manipuri” in the 44th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Language and Linguistics (ICSTLL-44) held at CILL,Mysore. October7-9, 2011

14. Presented a paper entitled “Negation in Manipuri” in the 45th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics (ICSTLL45) at School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Nanyang Technology University, Singapore, from October26 – 28, 2012.

15. Presented a paper entitled “The Reportative Evidential Marker-Ye in Manipuri (Meithei)

in the SEALS 24 ( South Asian Linguistic Society) held at Marlar Hall of Yangon University, Myanmar organized by the Directorate of Higher Education(Lower Myanmar) University of Yangon in collaboration with SOAS, University of London, May 27-31, 2014.

16. Presented a paper entitled “Evidentiality in achieving objectivity and detachment in Manipuri(Meithei)” in the 47th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics (ICSTLL47) at the Institute of Sino-Tibetan Studies,Yunnan Normal University, China October17–19, 2014.

17. Presented a paper “Preserving Languages in the Era of Globalization: Embracing the future” on two-day National Seminar on Literature of North East India and its Future Vision, July 6-7, 2012, sponsored by University Grant Commission and Sahitya Akademi, Kolkata, organized by Dhanamanjuri College of Arts, Imphal in collaboration with Dhanamanjuri College of Science, Imphal.

18. Presented a paper entitled “ Evolution of Directional particles in Manipuri” in the 34th All India Conference of Linguists (34th AICL) jointly organized by the North-Eastern Hill University (NEHU), Shillong, Central Institute of Indian Languages (CIIL), Mysore, The Linguistic Society of India and The Indian Council for Social Science Research, November 1-3, 2012.

19. Participated in a “workshop in chunking in Indian languages” organized by LDC-IL,CIIL,Mysore, December 28- 30 ,2015.

20. Presented a paper on “ Introductory phonology of Manipuri” in the training programme on natural language processing organized by CIIL DM College of Arts Imphal January15- 22, 2016.

21. Participated in the National Workshop on “Preparation of Grammar and Multilingual Dictionary for Indigenous Languages “ held at Berhampur University from 20th to 27th March 2017.

22. Atit, Thomma and Pramodini, N. presented a paper entitled “Challenges of Learning English Consonants by Thai Speakers” in the 6th National Language Conference organised by Institute of Odia Studies & Research (IOSR), Bhubaneswar and Sambalpur University, Burla held at Sambalpur, Odisa, February 23 – 26, 2020.

23. Lunminthang, Guite and Pramodini, N. “Challenges of Learning English Consonants by Thadou Kuki Speakers” in the 1st National & International Academic Conference on “Languages and Cultures” organised by Language Institute of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, August 29, 2020.

24. Atit, Thomma and Pramodini, N. “Challenges of Learning English Consonant Clusters by Thai Learners” in the 1st National & International Academic Conference on “Languages and Cultures” organised by Language Institute of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, August 29, 2020 .

25. Rinyaphy,Kangrah and Pramodini, N. “ Bilingual education for Tangkhul monorities”in the National seminar on issues and challenges in minority language education held at NCERT, NERIE Shillong from 23rd of November 2020 to 25th 2020

26. Nayeem, U Rashid Buchoo and Pramodini, N. “Gojari language teaching in multilingual situations Urdu as official language and Kashmiri as regional language” in the National seminar on issues and cha llenges in minority language education held at NCERT, NERIE Shillong from 23rd of November 2020 to 25th 2020.

27. Rinyaphy, Khangrah and Pramodini,N. “Prefixation in Tangkhul” in the Virtual Conference organized by the Centre For Endangered Languages (CFEL), Tezpur University, Assam in Collaboration with Society for Endangered and Lesser-Known Languages (SEL), Lucknow, February 20 – 21, 2021.

28. Kakchingtabam, Omila Devi and Pramodini, P. “Word Order in Purum” in the Virtual Conference organized by the Centre For Endangered Languages (CFEL), Tezpur University, Assam in Collaboration with Society for Endangered and Lesser-Known Languages (SEL), Lucknow, February 20 – 21, 2021.

29. Nayeem, U Rashid Buchoo and Pramodini, N. “Language Use and Language Attitudes among Gojri Speakers” in the Virtual Conference organized by the Centre For Endangered Languages (CFEL), Tezpur University, Assam in Collaboration with Society for Endangered and Lesser-Known Languages (SEL), Lucknow, February 20 – 21, 2021.

30. Kimneilam, Kimie Haokip and Pramodini, N. “Denotation and Connotation of Animal Names in Thadou” in the Virtual Conference organized by the Centre For Endangered Languages (CFEL), Tezpur University, Assam in Collaboration with Society for Endangered and Lesser-Known Languages (SEL), Lucknow, February 20 – 21, 2021.

31. Atit,Thomma and Pramodini,N.“Challenges of Learning English Vowels by Thai Speakers” in the 2nd LSCIC International Conference organised by Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Mahasarakham University, March 26 – 27, 2021.

32. Nayeem, U Rashid Buchoo and Pramodini, N. “Gojri Language Teaching in a Multilingual situation: Urdu as Official Language and Kashmiri as Regional Language” in the National Webinar on Issues and Challenges in Minority Language Education which was organised by North East Regional Institute of Education, Umiam, November 23 – 25, 2020.

33. Lunminthang, Guite and Pramodini, N. “Problems and Challenges of Spelling System in Thadou Kuki Language” in the National Webinar on Issues and Challenges in Minority Language Education which was organised by North East Regional Institute of Education, Umiam, November 23 – 25, 2020.


Invited lectures andAChairmanship:

Invited talk:

1. Delivered a talk onLanguage Situation and its future course of research in Manipur’ on the Foundation day celebration of Central Institute of Indian Languages(CIIL)Mysorefrom 17th to 19th July2011


Keynote address:

1. Delivered a keynote address on the one day workshop jointly organized by Women’s Studies Centre,Manipur University and Women’s Development Studies Centre, Manipur on 24th December 2011.

2. Delivered keynote address in the National conference on Quality Education in the Present Educational Scenario February 23-24, 2017 organized by NERIE, NCERT Shillong Meghalaya.


Plenary speaker:

1. Minority languagees and policy in Manipur inthe National Seminar on Indigenous and Endangered langiuages-Concerns for documentation and revitalization organized by Dept of Linguistics ,BerhampurUniversity,Odisha

Sessions chaired:

1.Chaired a session entitled ‘Morphology and Syntax’ in the 31st Annual conference of the Linguistic Society of Nepal held in Kathmandu 26-27, November, 2010.

2. Chaired a session on 7th October at 4P.M.session in” the 44th International Conference on Sino-Tibetan Languages and Linguistics”,held at CIIL,MysoreOctober7-9,2011.

3. Chaired a session on 2nd October in the 34th All India Linguists Conference(1-3)November 2012 at NEHU, jointly organized by NEHU and CIIL Mysore and ICSSR, New Delhi.

4. Chaired a session in the National Conference on Quality Education in the Present Educational Scenario ,February 23to 24,2017

5. Chaired a session in the National Seminar on Indigenous and Endangered langiuages-Concerns for documentation and revitalization organized by Dept of Linguistics ,Berhampur University, Odisha March 20 to27,2017


Published papers:

1. Pramodini,N. Kinship Terminology in Meiteiron: A Sociolinguistics Study, Linguistics of Tibeto-Burman Area, Vol. 12.2 Fall, 1989, California.

2. Pramodini, NImphal Dialect (Research paper No. 3) Centre for Manipuri Studies and Tribal Research, Manipur University, July 1990.

3. Subbarao ,K.V.,Saxena,A.and Pramodini, N. Tense and Aspect in Tibeto-Burman, In B. Lakshmibai and A. Mukherjee (eds.) Tense and Aspect in Indian Languages. Booklinks Corporation, Hyderabad, 1993.

4. Pramodini, N. Terms of Address in a situation of change: A Sociolinguistic Study of Meiteiron. Pp. 115-121 in Tej R. Kansakar and M. Turin (eds.), Themes in Himalayan Languages and Linguistics South Asia, Heidelberg and Tribubhan University, Nepal, 2003.

5. Pramodini, N. Taboo in Meiteiron. Linguistics of Tibeto-Burman Area, California, Vol.27.1,2004.

6. Pramodini, N. Gender differences in Meiteiron. Linguistics of Tibeto-Burman Area, California, 2005.

7. Sujeta, B. and Pramodini, N. A study of pronunciation problems of Manipuri ESL learners. South Asian Language Review, 19. June, 2010 ISSN – 0971 – 0485.

8. Pramodini, N. Honorific and Speech levels in Manipuri. Language in India,10 : 6 June 2010. ISSN – 1930 – 2940.

  1. Pramodini, N .‘EAT Expression in Manipuri’. Language in India, 10 : 7 July 2010. ISSN – 1930 – 2940.

  2. Pushparani, P.and Pramodini, N. English Loan words in Meiteiron : A Linguistic and Sociolinguistic analysis. Language in India,10 : 10 Oct, 2010. ISSN – 1930 -2940.

  3. Pramodini, N. ‘Evidentiality in Manipuri’. Nepalese Linguistics, 25, Nov 2010, ISSN – 0259-1006

  4. Pramodini, N. Benefactive constructions in Manipuri, in C. Sivashanmugam and V. Thayalan (eds.), Recent Advances in Linguistics, Department of Linguistics, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, 2010. ISBN – 978-81-91 0681-1-5.

  5. Pramodini, N. Gender and Language: Matrilineal Traces in Manipuri. International journal of Dravidian Linguistics. XXXX No I, January, 2011.

  6. Pramodini, N. Sharing the future: Language situation in Manipur. Language in India, 11:5 May 2011, ISSN No 0259-1006

15. Sujeta,B.and Pramodini, N. Understanding problems in learning English vowels by Manipuri speakers. Language in India, June 2011, ISSN No 0259-1006

16.Pramodini, N. Nominalization in Manipuri. Nepalese Linguistics, 26,2011 ISS N No 0259-1006.

17.Pramodini,N. Ethno-Educational Ecology of Manipur. Shailendra Kumar Singh,ed.Linguistic Ecology of Manipur EBH Publishing Guwahati,2011

18. .Pramodini, N. A study of Manipuri V-li : Beyond Progressive. Nepalese Linguistics,27,2012, ISSN No 0259-1006

19. S. Helois and N. Pramodini. The impact of Hindu faith on Meiteiron. Language in India,13: 9 ISSN 1930-2940, September 2013

20. KunjalataWaikhom and N. Pramodini, The vowels in SaduKoireng. Language in India, 13: 9, ISSN 1930-2940 ,September 2013

21. M. Gunamani Singh and N. Pramodini. A study of law achievement of English language learners in speaking skill at elementary stage in Manipur. Language in India,14: 8 ISSN 1930-2940, August 2014

22. W. Saritarani Devi and N. Pramodini. Grammaticalisation in the morphosintatic study of Meiteilon: grammaticalisation of the verb lay ‘come’. Language in India,14: 10, ISSN 1930-2940, Oct 2014

23. M. Gunamani Singh and N. Pramodini, A study of law achievement of English language learners in reading skill at elementary stage in Manipur. Language in India,15: 4 ISSN 1930-2940, April 2015

24. Nayeem U Rashid Buchoo and N. Pramodini. Language use And Language Attitudes Among GogariSpeakersInMultiliualSituationofGojari, Urdu and Kashmiri LangugeContact :ASoiolinguistic Study” IJRAR 6:1January 2019.



25. RinyaphyKangra, N. Pramodini, Contrastive Study of Compounding in Tangkhul and English. Language in India, 19.4, ISSN 1930-2940, April, 2019.

26. RinyaphyKangra, N. Pramodini, “Formation of Diminutives in Tangkhul and English. Language in India,19.5, ISSN 1930-2940, May, 2019.


Published books:

1. N. Pramodini.2011 Manipuri: A Social Grammar. Sunrise Publications, Delhi, ISBN-978081-910022-8-7.

2. B.Syamala, Kumari and Pramodini, N.2011 Intensive Course in Manipuri.CIIL, Mysore, ISBN-81-7342-119-6.


Workshop/Refresher/Orientation courses attended:

1. Attended four week UGC sponsored Orientation Course organized by Academic Staff College January 6 – 30,1993.

2. Attended UGC Refresher Course in Linguistics organized by CIEFL,Hyderabad February 6-26,1994.

3. Attended Two day workshop on Indian language corpus and its application held at CIIL,Mysore,October28-29,1996.

4. Attended 7-day workshop on scientific and technical terminology building in Manipuri language,4-10 May 1999 at Manipur University , organized by the Commission for Scientific and Technical Terminology, Department of Education, Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India and Language Cell, Govt. of Manipur.

5. Participated in a Training-com-workshop for the preparation of classified recall vocabulary in Manipuri, conducted by CIIL, Mysore at Regional Language Centre, Guwahati, 1-10 Sept. 1999.

6. Participated in the workshop on Intensive Course in Manipuri conducted by CIIL at NERL Centre, Guwahati, Sept. 20 to Oct. 2, 1999.

7. Participated in the UGC sponsored Refresher Course in Linguistics, CIEFL, Hyderabad, Sept. 11 to October 1, 2000.

8. Participated in the workshop ‘Finalization of Intensive Course in Manipuri’ held at CIIL, Mysore, October 17 to 31, 2002.

9. Participated in the workshop ‘Finalization of Intensive Course in Manipuri’, conducted by CIIL, Mysore, June 11 to July 2, 2004.

10. Participated in the workshop ‘Finalisation of Intensive Course in Manipuri’ conducted by CIIL, Mysore, May9 to 23rd May2005

11. Attended in the 5-day workshop on the Development of Major North Eastern Languages (Assamese, Bodo, Nepali, Manipuri) organized by CDAC at Pune, from 12th to 16th May 2008.

12. Attended workshop on Manipuri Spell-checker design held at CDAC, Pune, 27th March to 2nd April, 2009 as a part of the program of the “The Development of Major North Eastern Languages (Assamese, Bodo,Manipuri and Nepali)” supported by DIT,C.G.O.Complex,New Delhi.

13. Participated in the “Awareness Raising workshop on International Domain Names (IDN)” organized by CDAC, Pune, under the aegis of Department of Information Technology, Ministry of Communications and Information Technology, Govt. of India, Feb 10,2009, at Guwahati.

14. Participated in the “Orientation programme in Leadership Development for Women Administration in Higher Education” at NUEPA, New Delhi from 13th Sept to 18th Sept, 2010.

15. Participated in the workshop “Development of Major North Eastern Languages Assamese, Bodo, Manipuri and Nepali, CDAC, Pune, 18th to 22nd November, 2010.

16. Participated and presented a report on Women.s Studies Centre,Manipur University at “UGC,National Workshop for Directors of Women’StudiesCentres” held at Centre for Women’sStudies,University of Hyderabad,on 28th and29thAugust,2011.

17. Participated and presented a report on the “ Empowerment of Meitei women” in the One Day International Conference on the topic “Women’sPolitical Empowerment and Poverty Reduction on 30th August, 2011organized by Women’s Studies Centre, University of Calcutta


Workshops organized:

1. Coordinator- workshop in “Spell-checker design for Manipuri” at Manipur University from 19th to 24th January 2010 organized jointly by CDAC,Pune and Manipur University (Department of Linguistics), sponsored by DIT,CGO Complex, Delhi.

2. Coordinator- workshop on “Enhancement of North-East language project: Nepali and Manipuri” 23th to 27th February 2011,organized jointly by CDAC, Pune and Manipur University(Department of Linguistics), sponsored by DIT,CGO Complex, Delhi.

3.Coordinator- workshop on “Enhancement of North-East language project: Bodo and Assamese”, 28th February to 2nd March, 2011 organized jointly by CDAC, Pune and Manipur University (Department of Linguistics) .

4. Coordinator- workshop on “Manipuri Lesson Planning for Online teaching”, 7th to 12th Nov., 2011, jointly organized byCIIL,Mysore and Linguistics Department, MU

5. Coordinator- one day workshop on “Problems and Prospects of women venders in Manipur” jointly organized by Women’s Studies Centre , Manipur University and Women’s Development Studies Centre Manipur, on 24th December,2011

6. Coordinator- Workshop on “Manipuri online language learning” from 26 to 29 November,2012.


Refresher Course organized:

1. Coordinated a refresher course on Women’s Studies(Academic staff college, Manipur University) from 27th June to 23rd July,2011


Resource person:

1. Workshop on Intensive Course in Manipuri 16-25 June, 2000 ,10 days conducted by CIIL, Mysore at Regional Language Centre, Guwahati,


2. Workshop on Preparation of Audio Scripts for pronunciation cassettes of Manipuri Language conducted 5-14 November 2001,10 days by CIIL, Mysore in collaboration with SCERT, Govt. of Manipur at DIET.

3. Workshop for the preparation of Intensive course in Manipuri October 18 - November 2 , 2002, 15 days CIIL,Mysore.

4. Finalization of Intensive Course in Manipuri June 11 to July 2, 2004, 22 days CIIL, Mysore

5. Finalisation of Intensive Course in Manipuri’ May 9 to May 23, 2005,15 days conducted by CIIL, Mysore.

6. Delivered lectures on 1) Multilingual approach in language teaching 2) Significance of English language in Indian context 3) Psycho-social aspects of language pedagogy and 4) Use of reference materials in language learning, in the programme “Orientation of KRP of NE states on linguistic approach to teaching and learning languages at elementary level” organized by NERIE, NCERT, Shillong, November 27 to December1,2006.

7. Delivered lectures in the “Orientation Programme for Key Resource Persons of Child Cognitive Growth and Harmony” organized by NERIE,NCERT, Shillong,February26,2007

8. “One day consultation on Manipuri translation of the International Humanitarian Law Handbook for Parliamentarians “ jointly organized by Human Rights Alert and International Red Cross Movement,Feb,17,2008,at Hotel Imphal,Imphal

9. Seminar on “Dialectal study in Manipuri” held at Manipur University from March10 to 12,2008 organized by North Easten Regional Language Centre,Guwahati

10. Workshop on “The development of a multilingual glossary in selected languages of Manipur (Kom,Anal,Chothe,Maring,Maram,Koireng,Thangal and Liangmei)” organized by NERIE,NCERT Sept 15-19, 2008

11. Resource person – Inaugural function of 5- day Training program on ‘Tribal Language Development’ from 11th to 15th Nov. 2008, Imphal.

10.Seminar on Dialectal Study in Manipuri’ at Manipur University, Imphal, March (10 – 12), 2008, organized by North-Eastern Regional Language Centre (Central Institute of Indian Languages, Ministry of HRD, Deptt. of Higher Education), Guwahati.

12. Mother Tongue Survey of India project,from 29-12-2008 to 31-12-2008,at Manipur Universaity organized by Registrar General,LanguageDivision,Kolkota

13. Delivered lectures on 1) MT/L1 and L2 acquisition/ learning 2)Teaching /Developing speaking skill,3) Vocabulary teaching,4) Teaching/ Developing writing skill,5) Teaching/ Developing vocabulary and 6) Teaching grammar in context in the ”Training of KRP (Key Resource Persons) of NE states (Assam, Manipur, Mizoram and Sikkim) on the teaching of minor/tribal languages at elementary level” w.e.f. 19th to 24th of Jan. 2009, at NERIE,NCERT, Shillong.

14. Delivered two lectures on Development of Manipuri Language and Cultural Heritage of Manipur on 16th Feb, 2009 in the 1st Refresher Course in North East Studies Gauhati University, Guwahati from Feb. 9th to March 1st, 2009. .

15. Orientation of Effective communication skills for KRPs of Manipur and Assam, held at BOSEM, Manipur from 22nd to 26th February, 2010 .

16. ‘Review of NELD work’ conducted by CIIL from June 14-16, 2010, Mysore.

17. Manipuri Language Day” organized by MALADESH Imphal , August 20,2010.

18. Delivered a talk on Phonetics on 3rd Feb 2012 in t Orientation cum Training Programme on Natural Language processing at Computer Science Deptt ,MU.

19. Delivered a lecture on “An orientation cum Workshop for Urdu Teachers” held at the Department of Linguistics,Manipur University,sponsored by Urdu Teaching and Research Centre,MHRD,Department of Higher Education,Solan (Himachal Pradesh),June3-8,2013.

20. Delivered a lecture on “The Second workshop on the Compilation of Manipuri Glossaries in Physics and Sociology” organized by National Translation Mission at CIIL,Mysore from 23rd October to 2nd November,2013

21. Delivered a lecture on “Empowering language through technology: the way forward” in the training program on Natural language processing from November4-9,2013, organized by LDC-IL, Mysore in collaboration with Directorate of Language Planning and Implementation, Government of Manipur.

22. Delivered a lecture on the topic “Teaching English in Service Teacher Training Programme” organized by RMSA,Universalization of Secondary Education, Government of Manipur during 30th October to 8th November,2015.

23. Delivered a lecture on Introductory Phonology of Manipuri in the Training programme on Natural Language Processing from February15-22, 2016 organized by by LDC-IL, Mysore in collaboration with Dept of Manipuri D.M. College of Arts ,Imphal.

24. Resource person in the programme“Development of culture specific supplementary materials in English for elementary level” held at NERIE(NCERT) Shillong from 21st to 27th February 2017.

25. Resource person in the programme “Training of teachers on teaching learning in multilingual class at primary level for Northeast” held at NERIE(NCERT) Shillong from23rd to 27th October 2017

26. Resource person in the National Workshop on “Preparation of Grammar and Multilingual Dictionary for Indigenous Languages “ held at Berhampur University from 20th to 27th March 2017.

27. Resource person in the programme “Development of training module for training of KRPs on teaching and learning in multilingual in Northeast states”held at NERIE (NCERT), Shillong from 3rdto 5th October 2018.

28. Resource person in the programme “Development of training module for training of KRPs on teaching and learning in multilingual in Northeast states”held at NERIE (NCERT), Shillong from 12thto 14th December 2018.

29. Resource person in the workshop “Training of Master Trainers on Teaching of Tribal/ Minority language for the state of Manipur”organized by NCERT,NERIE held at Conference Hall Directorate of School Education, Imphal from 28th January 2020 to 1st February 2020.

30. Resource person in the workshop “Finalisation of the tools for the research --A study on the perception of educational stakeholders on mother tongue education in Mizoram” held at NERIE (NCERT) Shillong,from 24th September 2020 to25th September2020.

31. Resource person in the workshop “ Capacity Building of Teachers on Multulingual Approach at the Preparatory Stage” held at SCERT,Imphal organized by NERIE (NCERT) Shillong,from 27th December 2021to 31 st December2020.

32. Resource person in the workshop “ Capacity Building for Text Book Writers of Linguistic Minorities of Arunachal Pradesh in Selection Adaptation and Development of Resource Mateials in Minority Language” held at NERIE (NCERT) Shillong,from 27th September 2020 to 1st October2021.


Course- in- charge field work:

  1. Course –incharge in the field study of Kharam language for MA final year students in Linguistics for btwo weeks ,1993

  2. Course- in- charge for the field study of Kom language for the 4th semester students of Linguistics at Mantakvillage,Thoubal district, for two weeks, 2009.


  1. Course- in- charge for the field study of Monsang language for the 4th semester students of Linguistics at Komlathabi village, Chandel district, for two weeks, 2010.

  2. Course -in-charge for the field study of Zou language for the fourth semester students at Moreh,Tengnoupal district for two weeks, 2019

  3. Course -in-charge for the field study of Lungther language for the fourth semester students at SadaLungthervillage ,Senapati district for two weeks, 2020


Completed Projects:

  1. Development of Corpora of text of Manipuri language in machine readable form sponsored DOE , Electronic Niketan,6 CGO Complex,New Delhi (1997-1999) Amount Rs 11 lacs

  2. Gender Symbolism and Meiteiron (Manipuri): A Sociolinguistic Study, sponsored by Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR), New Delhi, from July 2006 to October 2009 . Amount 3.44 lacs

  3. “Development of Major North Eastern Languages (Assamese, Bodo, Nepali and Manipuri)” in consortium mode sponsored by DIT, C.G.O. Complex, New Delhi. Under this project an estimated cost of Rs. 76.12 lakhs as grant has been approved for 36 months w .e. f. May 13, 2008. Ref: GIST: 2008.

  4. “The Study of Evidentiality in Manipuri: A Linguistic and Sociolinguistic Study”, duration – 2 years, w.e.f. 27-08-2012, estimated cost – Rs. 711,650/- funded by Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR) ,New Delhi.


Meetings attended:

1. Attended Consultative meeting on Linguistic Survey of India on 6th September 2006 at CIIL, Mysore

2. .Attended 1st PRSG meeting held at DIT,C.G.O.Complex, New Delhi on 27th Feb,2009

3. Attended 2nd PRSG meeting held at DIT,C.G.O.Complex, New Delhi on 27th Feb,2010.



Members in different bodies of Manipur University and other Universities:

1.Member, Board of Studies, School of Humanities, Manipur University

2. Member, Board of Studies in Linguistics, NEHU ,Shillong for a period of three years w,e.f. August 22,2014

3.Member, Board of Studies, Garo Department, NEHU ,Turacampus,Meghalaya, for a period of three years w.e.f. September 15,2017.

4. Member, Board of Studies, Garo Department, NEHU,Tura Campus,Meghalaya, for a period of three years w.e.f. November 27, 2020.

5.Member, College Development Council, Manipur University of Culture Imphal, w.e.f.April 2,2021 for a period of three years.

6. Member of the Academic Council, Manipur University.

7. Member College Development Council, Manipur University for two years w.e.f.21.9.2002

8. Member College Development Council, Manipur University w.e.f September 6, 2021 to February19, 2022

9. Member Board of Studies, Manipur University of Culture from Oct. 8, 2020 to may 30, 2022.

10. Member College Development Council, Manipur University culture for a period of 3 years w.e.f. April2, 2021.

11. Member of Internal Complaint Committee for two years w.e.f October 22, 2019.


Professional memberships

1. Life member Indian Linguistics, Pune

2. Life member International Journal of Dravidian Linguistics (IJDL)Trivandrum,Kerala

3. Life member Nepalese Linguistics, Kathmandu.


Research Guidance (Ph.D.)

11 students earned Ph.D. degree and 8 research scholars currently working for their Ph,D. Programme



1. Head,Department of Linguistics from February 20,1919 to February 19.2022

2. Director i/c EMMRC,Manipur University from April 4,2019 to June 14,2021

3. DirectorWomen’s studies Centre, Manipur University w.e.f. 06-12-2010.



Any other activities

1. Supervised two research scholars (K. Esther Vaiphei and ChithungPhillangam) who worked in the project “Women and Child Trafficking and Protection” at Tribal Research Institute (TRI), Chingmeirong, Government of Manipur.