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Dr Chanam Sonia Devi

Designation: Asst Professor (S-II)

Specialization: Continuing Education, Extension Education & Lifelong Learning



Ph.D., UGC-NET, B.Ed, MA, MSc


RESEARCH, PUBLICATIONS AND ACADEMIC CONTRIBUTORS (i) Published Papers in Journals and Edited Book

  1. BOOKS in Chapter

  1. Chanam Sonia Devi. (2017). Status of Women Literacy in Manipur; pp(107-115) Researchers in North-East India by Oinam Ranjit Singh and Sougrakpam Dharmen Singh. Global Publishing House: New Delhi. (ISBN: 978-93-81563-84-7).

  2. Chanam Sonia Devi & Peichui Vashum.(2017). Impact of Literacy as Perceived by the Neo-Literates: A Case Study of Bishnupur District; pp (76-88) Research Line by Arambam Bebina Devi. Akansha Publishing House: New Delhi. (ISBN: 978-81-8370-508-0).

  3. Chanam Sonia Devi. (2018). Lifelong Learning Through Vocational Training in Manipur; pp (59-65) Socio-economic and Political Dimensions of North East India by Sougrakpam Dharmen Singh and Subhaarati Oinam. Global Publishing House: Visakhapatnam. (ISBN: 978-93-81563-85-4).

  4. Ch. Sonia Devi. (2018). Women Empowerment in Literacy Programmes Especially in the State of Manipur; pp (215-220) Transforming Leadership Social &Environmental Justice in Global. ABS Books Publisher: New Delhi. (ISBN: 978-93-860888-97-0).




  1. Chanam Sonia Devi. (2014). Problem and Prospects of Literacy Campaign in Manipur. Indian Journal of Experimentation and Innovation (ISSN 2278-1730).

  2. Chanam Sonia Devi. (2014). Need of the Hour: Lifelong Learning in Bishnupur District, Manipur. Spectrum, Manipur Vol.2 Issue 1. Jan-Jun 2014 pp (95-99).

  3. Peichui Vashum, Dr.Sonia Chanam, Irabanta Laishram, Dr.Ranjan Kshetrimayum. (2016). Income Generating Activities of Women in Seijang, Imphal East District, Manipur. Sai Om Journal of Arts & Education A Peer Reviewed International Journal.(ISSN-2348-3520), Vol.2, Issue 12 (Jan,2016).pp(24-28).

  4. Peichui Vashum, Dr.Chanam Sonia Devi, Laishram Ichal Devi, Dr. Kshetrimayum Ranjan Singh. (2016). A Comparative Study of Socio-Economic Status Between Educated and Uneducated Family Heads: A Case Study of Ngaikhongkhullen Village, Bishnupur District, Manipur. Internationa;l Journal of Multidiscplinary Research Review, Vol.1, Issue-1, Jan-2016.pp (173-177).

  5. Peichui Vashum, Dr Chanam Sonia Devi. (2016). Factors of Dropout Among Adult Learners in Manipur. QUEST International Multidisciplinary Research Journal. (ISSN 2278-4497), Vol. V (III), March (2016).

  6. Dr. Chanam Sonia Devi (2017). Importance of Skill Development through Lifelong Learning. IERJ (ISSN 2454-9916), pp. 6-7.

  7. Chanam Sonia Devi, Soubam Kiran Singh. (2017). Effect of Ageing on Literacy Under Total Literacy Campaign (TLC): A Case Study in Three Assembly Constituencies of Bishnupur District, Manipur (ISSN-2250-1991), Vol 5, Issue 9, Sep.2017.

  8. Dr.Ksh.Birbal Singh, Dr.Ch.Sonia Devi, Peichui Vashum (2017).Lifelong Learning is a tool for promotion of youths through vocational education pp 157-163, National Seminar on Youth Empowerment and Nation Building on 31st Mar,2017.

  9. Ch. Sonia Devi. (2017). Status of women education in K.Sabi, Chandel District, Manipur. World Wide Journal of Multidiscplinary Research and Development. (ISSN:2454-6615).

  10. Chanam Sonia Devi. (2017). A Critical Analysis of Literacy Scenario in Manipur. Paripex-Indian Journal of Research. An International Journal. (ISSN-2250-1991), Vol.6 Issue-4(April, 2017). pp (14-15).

  11. Chanam Sonia Devi. (2018). Attitude of Adult Learners Towards Population Education. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention. (e-ISSN:2319-7722p-ISBN:2319-7214), Vol.7-Issue10-Version-October2018.

  12. Chanam Sonia Devi, & Manoj Kumar. (2018). Inclusive Education System in India: Some Perspectives. A Peer Reviewed Referred International Biannual Publications. (ISSN 2348-5162), Vol. 6-Issue 5, May-2019. Pp (420-425).

  13. Dr. Chanam Sonia Devi, & Dr. Sharmila Thingbaijam. (2019). Problems of illiteracy and Drop-out. A case study. Journal of Reviews and Research in Social Sciences (ISSN:2349-5162), Vol.6-Issue 5, May-2019. pp. (420-425).

  14. Dr. Chanam Sonia Devi (2019). Awareness of Population Explosion Issues on Female Adult. International Journal of Reviews and Research in Social Sciences (ISSN-2347-5145(Print), ISSN-2457-2687(Online)), 7(2): April-June, 2019.

  1. Edited Books

  1. Education and Sustainable Development Goals edited by Ch. Beda Devi and Ch. Sonia Devi (2019) published by Global e-Text, ISBN: 978-81-939495-3-5.

  2. Present Trends and Issues in Environmental and Occupational Health edited by Ch. Beda, Ch.Sonia Devi, Rajkumar Suresh Singh and S. Kiran Singh (2019) published by Akansha Publishing House, IsBn:978-81-8370-554-7.