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Prof M Damayanti Devi

Designation: Professor & Dean, School of Agricultural Sciences

Specialization: Life Sciences(Genetics)

Contact: 9856000236

Email: maibamd[at]rediffmail.com

MSc, PhD


  1. Faculty Name :Maibam Damayanti Devi

  2. Designation : Professor

  3. Department : Department of Life Sciences (Botany)

  4. Phone : 9856000236

  5. Email :maibamd[at]rediffmail.com

  6. Highest Educational Qualification : MSc, PhD

  7. Specialization : Life Sciences(Genetics)

  8. Faculty Interest/ Area of interest : Radiobiology, Biochemical and nutritional profile of traditional medicinal plants and economically important plants, micropropagation of endanger plants,Toxicological studies using animal cell lines, zebra fish, albino rats, etc

  9. No. of research projects completed: Two

  10. Ph.D. thesis awarded: Five (Supervisor); three(Co-Supervisor)

  11. No. of women scientist: Two

  12. No. of SRF: Two

  13. No. of JRF(UGC/CSIR): Three

  14. No. of Ph.D. currently guiding: Eleven

  15. No. of research publications: International (36); National (12); chapter in books(6); proceedings of the seminars (4).

  16. Conference/seminar/symposium/workshop attended: International(12 =India: 10+ Abroad :2); National(54 )

  17. Membership of different academic:

1. Life membership: Indian Science Congress Association

2. The International Association for Tissue Culture

3. The Indian Society for Cell Biology

4. The Indian Society for Radiation Biology

5. The Manipur Association for the Promotion of Science

6. The Association of Clinical Biochemists of India


  1. Research Publications for last three years:

Ksh. Sangeeta, Atom Rajiv Singh, D Velmurugan, M. Damayanti, Deepak Singh L and N. Rajen Singh (2021): Green synthesis of copper oxide nanoparticles using Colx lacryma jobi leave extract and screening of its potential anticancer activities, Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International, 33(52A): 128-139 (Article no. JPRL 77688 ISSN: 2456-9119).

Dollyca N, H. Deliza, B. Debkumari and M. Damayanti (2021): Photochemical, antimicrobial and acute toxicity studies on methalonic extracts of Citrus medica L. and Citrus hystrix D.C. fruits, Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International 33(47B): 52-67 (Article no. JPRL75637 ISSN: 2456-9119).

Dollyca N, T. Sanjeev Lyngdoh, M. Damayanti(2022): Evaluation of calcium oxalate crystal nucleation, aggregation and phytochemical compositions of Cissus adnata Roxb and Cissus discolor Blume, International Journal of Pharmacology Investigation 12(1), 70-74.

Deliza H. and M. Damayanti(2022): Evaluation of elemental and volatile compounds of three selected plants of genus Hibiscus, European Journal of Medicinal Plants, 33(2):25-31 (Article no. EJMP 84114 ISSN: 2231-0894, NLM ID: 101583475).