Designation: Assistant Professor (Sr. Scale)
Specialization: Animal Physiology
Contact: 8794140893
Email: vidyawang1962[at]
M.Sc., Ph.D.
Designation: Assistant Professor (Sr. Scale)
Department: Department of Zoology
Phone: 8794140893
Email: vidyawang1962[at]
Highest Educational Qualification: M.Sc., Ph.D.
Specialization: Animal Physiology
Faculty Interest/Area of Interest: Nutritional, Reproductive; Physiological
response to environmental stress
Details of achievements, membership of : (a)(i)No. of Ph.D. scholars declared: 03(three)
different academic and professional bodies, (ii) No. of Ph.D. scholars enrolled: 04(four)
publication, etc. for the last three to five years (b) Membership of different academic bodies:
(i)Indian Chronological Society
(ii)Zoological Society of India, Kolkata
(iii)The Indian Science Congress, Kolkata
(iv)Indian Association of Nuclear Chemists & Allied Scientists
(c ) Members of academic & professional
bodies in the Department & University:
(i)Board of Studies (Departmental & School of Life Sciences)
(ii)Board of Ethics (Animal), IAEC
(iii)Academic Council, Manipur University
(d)(i)Papers Published- 4(four)from 2016 to
(ii)Book Chapter- 01(one)
(iii)Total papers published- 13(thirteen)
(e)(i)No. of projects- 01(one) completed
(ii)Mentorship of Women Scientists
(WOS-A)- 01(one) completed