Manipur University 20/02/2023: The department of Forestry and Environmental Science, Manipur University successfully organized Campus Bird Count as a part of Great Backyard Bird Count India on 20th February 2023 from 7:30-10:30 am. Thirty-seven participants from various department of Manipur University took part in the programme. Two groups were divided under the leadership of Dr. Vivek Vaishnav and Dr. Kh. Romesh Singh to cover the entire campus area. A total of nineteen bird species were observed and counted during this short observation period. Some of the common species are red-vented bulbul, eurasian tree sparrow, spotted dove, common myna, white-breasted waterhen, barn swallow, pied myna, oriental magpie robin etc.
The participants also learned two important mobile phone app of birdwatching and identification i.e. Merlin Bird ID and eBird. Such activity helps in broadening the student’s knowledge in the practical aspect, which result in better understanding of the subject matter and topics.
Group photo of participants with coordinators.
Participants observing the birds.